Aquatic Ecology

Our mission is to understand aquatic ecosystems, predict their responses to a changing world, and contribute to a sustainable future.
We investigate aquatic interactions and processes in lab, field and model systems over multiple timescales and actively engage with society to protect and improve the health of aquatic ecosystems.
The complementarity of expertise in the Aquatic Ecology department is our strength. By working together, our diverse approaches provide a deeper understanding of ecological processes and interactions.
Aquatic ecology and climate change
Climate change is placing unprecedented pressures on our streams, ponds, and lakes. We study how longer-term and extreme climate events such as heatwaves, floods and droughts are changing the ecological balance of water bodies. We engage with stakeholders to explore how nature-based solutions can make our water networks and landscapes more resilient to climate change whilst protecting and enhancing biodiversity.

Understanding and restoring aquatic biodiversity
Our fundamental research into rapid evolution of plankton is helping to uncover how species adapt to the changing environment so we can better understand the mechanisms underpinning biodiversity. We also investigate how we as society can adapt by studying sustainable ways to restore and protect water ecosystems through approaches such as rewilding and aim to understand how biodiversity links to ecosystem resilience. To better understand and predict changes in biodiversity, we are developing novel methods for rapid identification of aquatic organisms using DNA analysis to enable more efficient biodiversity monitoring.

Water quality under pressure
Nitrogen and phosphorus pollution are still among the grand challenges for water management and our ecological approaches help to understand, predict and manage their consequences for water quality, including issues such as cyanobacterial blooms, invasive species and degraded food-webs. We use experimental, modelling and monitoring approaches to understand the drivers of water quality and to determine how societies use and interact with water. We investigate how emergent pollutants such as pharmaceuticals and microplastics are changing the structure and functioning of aquatic systems and conduct research into sustainable water treatment methods.

Research support in Aquatic Ecology
Our research assistants have years of experience working in the field and in laboratories, and are experts in aquatic ecology techniques. The team is on hand to support research scientists and students at the NIOO.
Specialist skills within the group include expertise in:
- Flow cytometry and trait identification of phytoplankton
- Water chemistry analysis
- Set-up and operation of experimental mesocosms
- Microscopic identification of zooplankton, phytoplankton and other aquatic invertebrates
- Aquatic plant sampling and identification
- Boat handling and aquatic sampling
- Elemental analysis of waters and sediments
- Chlorophyll and carotenoid pigment analysis
- Operation and maintenance of aquatic sensors
- DNA metabarcoding
- Algal toxin analysis

Experiments across scales: our facilities
Our experimental facilities range from outdoor experimental ponds for investigation of entire ecosystems with their full complexity, to microcosms, chemostats and batch experiments in the laboratory for more focused experiments gaining mechanistic understanding on responses of species, communities, and food-webs. The indoor limnotron facility provides a high level of experimental control at a large scale whilst including natural complexity. A sensor network allows access for remote users to track the conditions in each. We regularly deploy outdoor enclosures or exclosures in the field to allow us to conduct experimental manipulations on site.

Long-term aquatic ecology
In this period of rapid global change, long-term ecological data are vital for helping us to understand how aquatic ecosystems are responding, and the possible consequences for biodiversity, ecosystem services and resilience. Long-term monitoring programmes at IJsselmeer - the largest lake in the Netherlands - help to understand the linkages between nutrient pollution and algal blooms. Sediment core studies can reveal ecologies of the past, covering decades, centuries and millennia to place recent changes into context. Long-term datasets are vital for supporting and testing the development of aquatic ecosystem models.

Aquatic Knowledge Centre Wageningen (AKWA) is part of the Department of Aquatic Ecology. AKWA translates state-of-the art scientific knowledge into practical solutions for water issues. Stimulated by the growing interest for research valorisation in the Netherlands, AKWA wants to put her valuable scientific knowledge into practice.

Prof. dr. Suzanne McGowan
- Functie
- Afdelingshoofd
Prof. dr. ir. Dedmer Van de Waal
- Functie
- Senior Researcher
Prof. dr. Liesbeth Bakker
- Functie
- Senior Researcher
Prof. dr. Wolf M. Mooij
- Functie
- Senior Researcher
Prof. dr. Steven Declerck
- Functie
- Senior Researcher
Prof. dr. Lisette de Senerpont Domis
- Functie
- Researcher
Dr. Ellen Weerman
- Functie
- Lector
Dr. Carel Dieperink
- Functie
- Honorary Fellow
Prof. Elizabeth Borer
- Functie
- Honorary Fellow
Peer-reviewed publicaties
Artificial light at night reduces emergence and attracts flying adults of aquatic Diptera
Water level drawdown and perennial vegetation impact litter decomposition in the sediment of a eutrophic wetland in the Netherlands
Human activity controls nitrogen loads in a large sub-tropical delta from 2000 to 2020
Abrupt transformation of west Greenland lakes following compound climate extremes associated with atmospheric rivers
Riverine connectivity modulates elemental fluxes through a 200- year period of intensive anthropic change in the Magdalena River floodplains, Colombia
Land use, hydroclimate and damming influence organic carbon sedimentation in a flood pulse wetland, Malaysia
Anthropogenic impacts on the water chemistry of a transboundary river system in Southeast Asia
Optimizing nitrogen management for pollution control in Lake Baiyangdian following water replenishment
Zooming in the plastisphere
Defaunation impacts on the carbon balance of tropical forests
Governance Conditions for a Successful Restoration of Riverine Ecosystems, Lessons from the Rhine River Basin
Corrigendum to <Effect of an antidepressant on aquatic ecosystems in the presence of microplastics
The future of algal blooms in lakes globally is in our hands
Managing the impacts pf extreme climatic events related to inputs of organic matter on the ecosystem services provided by water supply reservoirs
Combined measures in lake restoration
Restoring land–water transition areas to stimulate food web development is mediated by the hydrological connectivity
The comparison effect on earthworms between conventional and biodegradable microplastics
Effect of an antidepressant on aquatic ecosystems in the presence of microplastics
Integrated modeling of nature's role in human well-being
Dual impacts of hydrology and damming on eutrophication
Risk assessment of toxic cyanobacterial blooms in recreational waters
The use of living labs to advance agro-ecological theory in the transition towards sustainable land use
Making waves
Communal tapir latrines are foraging sites for tropical forest vertebrates
Unravelling long-term impact of water abstraction and climate change on endorheic lakes
Vegetation dynamics following three decades of trophic rewilding in the mesic grasslands of Oostvaardersplassen
A global map of species at risk of extinction due to natural hazards
Water level drawdown induces a legacy effect on the seed bank and retains sediment chemistry in a eutrophic clay wetland
Float, fly, then sink: wetland plant seed buoyancy is lost after internal dispersal by waterbirds
Changing phenology of benthic primary producers in inland waters
Fragmented marine plastics as the prevalent litter type on a small island beach in the Adriatic
Global trends and scenarios for terrestrial biodiversity and ecosystem services from 1900 to 2050
Transient social–ecological dynamics reveal signals of decoupling in a highly disturbed Anthropocene landscape
Vertebrate grazing can mitigateimpacts of nutrient addition on plant diversity and insect abundance in a semi-natural grassland
Changes in organic carbon properties during intense plankton blooms and macroaggregate formation in the coastal Adriatic Sea, Croatia (case studies in 2020-2022)
Global Lake Health in the Anthropocene: Societal Implications and Treatment Strategies
How nutrient retention and TN:TP ratios depend on ecosystem state in thousands of Chinese lakes
Towards Design Principles for Good Multi-Level Drought Risk Governance: Some Lessons from the Rhine Basin
Sustainable aquatic resource management and inland fisheries in tropical Asia: Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches
Enhancing the role of International NGOs in promoting the implementation of ecosystem-based adaptation policies
What makes a cyanobacterial bloom disappear? A review of the abiotic and biotic cyanobacterial bloom loss factors
A lake management framework for global application: monitoring, restoring, and protecting lakes through community engagement
The interplay between defaunation and phylogenetic diversity affects leaf damage by natural enemies in tropical plants
Impact of mixed microalgal and bacterial species on organic micropollutants removal in photobioreactors under natural light
Hydrostatic pressure impedes the degradation of sinking copepod carcasses and fecal pellets
Hot summers raise public awareness of toxic cyanobacterial blooms
A serious game approach for lake modeling and management: The EscapeBLOOM
Understanding the differential impacts of two antidepressants on locomotion of freshwater snails (Lymnaea stagnalis)
Investigating the role of hydrological connectivity on the processing of organic carbon in tropical aquatic ecosystems
Seed dispersal between aquatic and agricultural habitats by greylag geese
Identifying the controls on nitrate and metabolic state within the Red River delta (Vietnam) with the use of stable isotopes
Nationaal Park Steden
Creating wetland islands to enhance shoreline habitat for fish recruitment in a modified shallow lake
Long-term exposure to experimental light affects the ground-dwelling invertebrate community, independent of light spectra
Process-based modeling for ecosystem service provisioning
Towards climate-robust aquatic ecosystem restoration
Microalgae-based technology for wastewater treatment
Trophic cascades help restore vegetation
Tree cover and its heterogeneity in natural ecosystems is linked to large herbivore biomass globally
The combined effect of pH and dissolved inorganic carbon concentrations on the physiology of plastidic ciliate Mesodinium rubrum and its cryptophyte prey
The hidden impact
Hacking Limnology Workshops and DSOS23
Rapidly evolving zooplankton in a salinizing world
Using lake sediments to assess the long-term impacts of anthropogenic activity in tropical river deltas
Reconciling contrasting effects of nitrogen on host immunity and pathogen transmission using stoichiometric models
Structure and Productivity of Aquatic Ecosystems
Long‐term nutrient load reductions and increasing lake TN
SEED: A framework for integrating ecological stoichiometry and eco‐evolutionary dynamics
Connecting lakes: Modeling flows and interactions of organisms and matter throughout the waterscape
Creating new littoral zones in a shallow lake to forward-restore an aquatic food web
Timing matters
Regime shifts in shallow lakes explained by critical turbidity
Traits for transport
Assessing ambitious nature conservation strategies in a below 2-degree and food-secure world
Multispecies fish tracking across newly created shallow and deep habitats in a forward-restored lake
Linking theory with empirical data
Large mammalian herbivores affect arthropod food webs via changes in vegetation characteristics and microclimate
Evidence that long‐distance dispersal of aquatic invertebrates by ducks increases with propagule size
New paths for modelling freshwater nature futures
Impact of wastewater characteristics on the removal of organic micropollutants by Chlorella sorokiniana
Temporal modelling of long-term heavy metal concentrations in aquatic ecosystems
Factors influencing submerged macrophyte presence in fresh and brackish eutrophic waters and their impact on carbon emissions
Harmful algal blooms
The introduced Arapaima gigas in the Bolivian Amazon: Trophic position and isotopic niche overlap with native species
Towards a mechanistic understanding of the impacts of nitrogen deposition on producer–consumer interactions
Stressors in a bottle
How sharp is the knife? Herbivore and carnivore sensitivity to resource stoichiometric quality
Dead or alive
Enhancing phosphorus removal of photogranules by incorporating polyphosphate accumulating organisms
A plea for more freshwater experts in IPBES
Restoring gradual land-water transitions in a shallow lake improved phytoplankton quantity and quality with cascading effects on zooplankton production
Monitoring contaminants of emerging concern in aquatic systems through the lens of citizen science
Characterization of lacustrine harmful algal blooms using multiple biomarkers: Historical processes, driving synergy, and ecological shifts
Effects of the antidepressant fluoxetine on the swimming behaviour of the amphipod Gammarus pulex
Beyond Daphnia: a plea for a more inclusive and unifying approach to freshwater zooplankton ecology
Anthropogenic activities in the páramo trigger ecological shifts in Tropical Andean lakes
Double‐edged effects of anthropogenic activities on lake ecological dynamics in northern China: Evidence from palaeolimnology and ecosystem modelling
City-to-city learning to enhance urban water management
Spatial and seasonal variation in the phytoplankton community of Lake Victoria's Mwanza Gulf, compared to northern parts of the lake
High resolution functional analysis and community structure of photogranules
Trophic rewilding can expand natural climate solutions
Seasonal and habitat-based variations in vertical export of biogenic sea-ice proxies in Hudson Bay
Dammed deltas: Sinking Asian deltas in a warming world
N 2 ‐fixation can sustain wastewater treatment performance of photogranules under nitrogen limiting conditions
Environmental refuges from disease in host‐parasite interactions under global change
Ecosystem deterioration in the middle Yangtze floodplain lakes over the last two centuries
Dispersal of aquatic and terrestrial organisms by waterbirds
Contrasting effects of nitrogen fertiliser application on the performance of closely related grasshoppers through changes in plant nutrient concentrations
Enhancing the predictability of ecology in a changing world
Seed dispersal by waterbirds: a mechanistic understanding by simulating avian digestion
An experimental test of the growth rate hypothesis as a predictive framework for microevolutionary adaptation
Salinisation effects on freshwater macrophyte growth and establishment in coastal eutrophic agricultural ditches