Art x Science

artwork by Art van Triest
© Perro de Jong / NIOO

Several NIOO experts are collaborating with artists to co-create and share ecological knowledge in innovative ways, reaching out to new audiences. Examples of recent art x science projects are the installation Mapping Dutch Waters that makes use of the water samples of citizen scientists, an international exhibition on the bioclock and its impact on life on earth, and the prize-winning documentary Onder het Maaiveld/Planet Soil about the unseen life under our feet.

Soil animal art at the international outdoor expo IJSSELBIËNNALE

  • Loes ten Anscher
    A shed alongside the road
  • Loes ten Anscher
    Inside the shed there is a vending machine with Soil Animal Cookies
  • Loes ten Anscher
    A tin of cookies and a booklet with poems about soil creatures
  • Loes ten Anscher
    Cookies featuring soil creatures

Film projects

Mapping Dutch Waters, with samples of citizen scientists

Biological timing

Our expert Kamiel Spoelstra - animal ecologist and chronobiologist - has been involved in several expositions on biological timing.

The Clocks Around and Within Us

Viruses back on the grid

Art project by Art van Triest in the NIOO garden, based on the virus research of NIOO scientist Mark Zwart:

Perro de Jong / NIOO
Setting up the art work 'Viruses back on the grid' in the NIOO garden

And children’s books

Within the extensive Onder het Maaiveld project, famous for its cinema film on the soil life under our feet, also two children's books where published. Our science communication expert Froukje Rienks was involved in the co-creation, including the inspiration part at the start and the fact checking at the end:
