Ellen Weerman

Dr. Ellen Weerman


Droevendaalsesteeg 10
6708 PB Wageningen

+31 (0) 317 47 34 00

The Netherlands



We should rethink the role of water in our landscapes and use nature-based solutions to develop climate-robust and biodiverse landscapes.


I combine the fundamental science at NIOO-KNAW with the Applied Sciences at HAS University of Applied Scienes in the field of climate-robust landscapes. With ongoing climate change the periods with low rainfall increase, this has influence on the land use in sandy soil area's. Biodiversity and water quality deteriorates and agriculture has yield losses. Therefore, I suggest that we should rethink the role of water in our systems and work on nature-based solutions for this problem. By doing so we can transform the landscape into a climate-robust landscape with co-benifits for biodiversity and water quality. I like to work on questions like: how does a future, climate-robust landscape look like? Where are opportunities and bottlenecks for land users in these landscapes? How can agriculture, biodiversity and water quality co-benefit in these landscapes? 
