AKWA (Aquatic Knowledge Centre Wageningen)

Watermonsters: Sven Teurlincx
© Lisette de Senerpont Domis en Sven Teurlincx / NIOO-KNAW

AKWA is an initiative of the department of Aquatic Ecology (NIOO-KNAW), together with the Aquatic Ecology & Water Quality Management Group of Wageningen UR. Stimulated by the growing interest for translational science in the Netherlands, AKWA wants to put her valuable scientific knowledge into practice. Therefore, AKWA seeks to collaborate with stakeholders with a vested interest in water, such as water boards, water researchers, consultancy agencies, nature managers, and civil-technical bureaus.

AKWA helps solving water issues

We offer research, advice and training in the field of water quality and functioning of aquatic ecosystems. We can draw on a broad array of approaches, such as field monitoring, field and indoor-enclosures, controlled-lab experiments, time-series analyses, advanced statistics and model-analyses. We have access to the excellent experimental and analytical facilities of the NIOO-KNAW. 

Who is AKWA?

AKWA is imbedded in a group of researchers with a sound scientific background, both at the NIOO and the WUR. Active within this group are plankton specialists, macrophyte specialists, microbial specialists, modelers and biochemists, with both a broad as well as deep understanding of the functioning of aquatic ecosystems. AKWA is pulled by aquatic ecologist Dr Lisette N. de Senerpont Domis, with more than twenty years’ experience in aquatic ecology and a special interest in global change. Dr. Miquel Lurling coordinates the WUR activities within AKWA. He has over 20 years of experience in aquatic ecology, with a special interest in eutrophication and harmful algal blooms.

AKWA translates state-of-the art fundamental scientific knowledge to encompassing solutions for the complex problems water users face in the light of fast environmental changes.

AKWA translates state-of-the art fundamental scientific knowledge to encompassing solutions for the complex problems water users face in the light of fast environmental changes


Our modern, state of the art research facilities allow us to experimentally study a variety of aquatic organism groups in experimental laboratory settings ranging from small-scale flow through systems, photobioreactors and chemostats over microcosms to mesoscale laboratory ecosystems (1000-L Limnotrons).



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