Droevendaalsesteeg 10
6708 PB Wageningen
The Netherlands
My research group investigates the taxonomic and functional diversity of the plant microbiome. We developed the concept of microbiome ‘rewilding’, which posits that plant health can be improved by reinstating key members of the diverse (ancestral) microbiota that were lost through domestication. To this end, we go back to the centres of origin of the wild relatives of our crop species to identify the ‘missing microbes’ and their beneficial traits.
Jos Raaijmakers is head of the Microbial Ecology Department at the Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW) and Professor at the Institute of Biology at Leiden University. He is member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts & Sciences and board member of the PhD graduate School PE&RC. The overall goal of his research program is to unravel the impact of plant domestication on the diversity and beneficial functions of microorganisms associated with plants. In this search for 'missing plant microbes', we work closely together with research institutes and universities in the centres of origin of plant species (Africa, Asia, South America). The functions of the plant microbes studied in detail are protection of plants against infections caused by fungal pathogens, parasitic weeds and insects. Jos teaches BSc and MSc courses at Leiden University, and organizes (inter)national PhD courses and conferences, including the International Plant Microbiome conference.
Jos Raaijmakers is member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts & Sciences (KNAW), Professor of Microbial Ecology at Leiden University, board member of the graduate school Production Ecology & Resource Conservation and former board member of the Centre for Soil Ecology. He was a visiting Professor at Copenhagen University (Denmark), Oregon State University (USA) and the University of Malaga (Spain), and former Chair of the Dutch Phytobacteriology group. He is currently editor-in-chief of the scientific journal ISME Communications.
His past and present research program is conducted in an international context with projects in Asia (Vietnam, Indonesia, Korea, China), South America (Ecuador, Colombia, Brasil) and Africa (Ghana, Ethiopia). He is recipient/coordinator of several prestigious and large national and international research grants (e.g. NWO-EcoGenomics (Netherlands Genomics Initiative), NWO-Gravitation (http://microp.org), BE-Basic, TTW-Perspectief Back-To-Roots), EU-Horizon/Marie Curie ITN; NWO-Groot). His expertise in plant-microbiome research led to the invitation by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to develop and coordinate the international program PROMISE (http://promise.nioo.knaw.nl). In the latest international peer review, his department/institute was rated with the highest score (“excellent”) on all criteria (Quality, Relevance, Viability).
He published many articles in peer reviewed scientific journals, including papers in Nature-based journals (Nature Microbiology, Nature Chemical Biology, ISME Journal), Science, PNAS, and top Microbiology, Plant Science and Ecology journals. Over the past 5 years, he was elected in the Top 1% of the most highly cited researchers worldwide.
He holds several international patents and works closely with industry (start-ups, medium & large enterprises), including international seed and agrochemical companies focused on developing new microbiome-based products for sustainable horti- and agriculture. He supervises multiple PhD students, postdocs and technicians, and is involved in teaching BSc and MSc courses at Leiden University as well as international PhD courses. During his time as an associate professor at Wageningen University, he was selected by the students among the best teachers. He also organized several international conferences, including the PGPR-meeting (2007), Rhizosphere 4 (2015), and the International Plant Microbiome conference (2016, 2018, 2022, 2023). Many of his former PhD and postdocs have acquired leading positions at (inter)national universities, government research institutes and R&D departments of different companies.
Professional activities
Teaching (past & present)
Scholarships & prizes
The root parasitic weed Striga hermonthica has a devastating effect on sorghum and other cereal crops in Sub-Saharan Africa. Available Striga management strategies are rarely sufficient or not widely accessible or affordable. Identification of soil- or plant-associated microorganisms that interfere in the Striga infection cycle holds potential for development of complementary biological control measures. Such inoculants should be preferably based on microbes native to the regions of their application. We developed a method to assess microbiome-based soil suppressiveness to Striga with a minimal amount of field-collected soil. We previously used this method to identify the mechanisms of microbe-mediated suppression of Striga infection and to test individual microbial strains. Here, we present protocols to assess the functional potential of the soil microbiome and individual bacterial taxa that adversely affect Striga parasitism in sorghum via three major known suppression mechanisms. These methods can be further extended to other Striga hosts and other root parasitic weeds.
Microbiomes provide multiple life-support functions for plants, including nutrient acquisition and tolerance to abiotic and biotic stresses. Considering the importance of C4 cereal and biofuel crops for food security under climate change conditions, more attention has been given recently to C4 plant microbiome assembly and functions. Here, we review the current status of C4 cereal and biofuel crop microbiome research with a focus on beneficial microbial traits for crop growth and health. We highlight the importance of environmental factors and plant genetics in C4 crop microbiome assembly and pinpoint current knowledge gaps. Finally, we discuss the potential of foxtail millet as a C4 model species and outline future perspectives of C4 plant microbiome research.
Background: Plants rely on their root microbiome as the first line of defense against soil-borne fungal pathogens. The abundance and activities of beneficial root microbial taxa at the time prior to and during fungal infection are key to their protective success. If and how invading fungal root pathogens can disrupt microbiome assembly and gene expression is still largely unknown. Here, we investigated the impact of the fungal pathogen Fusarium oxysporum (fox) on the assembly of rhizosphere and endosphere microbiomes of a fox-susceptible and fox-resistant common bean cultivar. Results: Integration of 16S-amplicon, shotgun metagenome as well as metatranscriptome sequencing with community ecology analysis showed that fox infections significantly changed the composition and gene expression of the root microbiome in a cultivar-dependent manner. More specifically, fox infection led to increased microbial diversity, network complexity, and a higher proportion of the genera Flavobacterium, Bacillus, and Dyadobacter in the rhizosphere of the fox-resistant cultivar compared to the fox-susceptible cultivar. In the endosphere, root infection also led to changes in community assembly, with a higher abundance of the genera Sinorhizobium and Ensifer in the fox-resistant cultivar. Metagenome and metatranscriptome analyses further revealed the enrichment of terpene biosynthesis genes with a potential role in pathogen suppression in the fox-resistant cultivar upon fungal pathogen invasion. Conclusion: Collectively, these results revealed a cultivar-dependent enrichment of specific bacterial genera and the activation of putative disease-suppressive functions in the rhizosphere and endosphere microbiome of common bean under siege.
Plants produce volatile organic compounds that are important in communication and defense. While studies have largely focused on volatiles emitted from aboveground plant parts upon exposure to biotic or abiotic stresses, volatile emissions from roots upon aboveground stress are less studied. Here, we investigated if tomato plants under insect herbivore attack exhibited a different root volatilome than non-stressed plants, and whether this was influenced by the plant’s genetic background. To this end, we analyzed one domesticated and one wild tomato species, i.e., Solanum lycopersicum cv Moneymaker and Solanum pimpinellifolium, respectively, exposed to leaf herbivory by the insect Spodoptera exigua. Root volatiles were trapped with two sorbent materials, HiSorb and PDMS, at 24 h after exposure to insect stress. Our results revealed that differences in root volatilome were species-, stress-, and material-dependent. Upon leaf herbivory, the domesticated and wild tomato species showed different root volatile profiles. The wild species presented the largest change in root volatile compounds with an overall reduction in monoterpene emission under stress. Similarly, the domesticated species presented a slight reduction in monoterpene emission and an increased production of fatty-acid-derived volatiles under stress. Volatile profiles differed between the two sorbent materials, and both were required to obtain a more comprehensive characterization of the root volatilome. Collectively, these results provide a strong basis to further unravel the impact of herbivory stress on systemic volatile emissions.
Several root-colonizing bacterial species can simultaneously promote plant growth and induce systemic resistance. How these rhizobacteria modulate plant metabolism to accommodate the carbon and energy demand from these two competing processes is largely unknown. Here, we show that strains of three Paraburkholderia species, P. graminis PHS1 (Pbg), P. hospita mHSR1 (Pbh), and P. terricola mHS1 (Pbt), upon colonization of the roots of two Broccoli cultivars led to cultivar-dependent increases in biomass, changes in primary and secondary metabolism and induced resistance against the bacterial leaf pathogen Xanthomonas campestris. Strains that promoted growth led to greater accumulation of soluble sugars in the shoot and particularly fructose levels showed an increase of up to 280-fold relative to the non-treated control plants. Similarly, a number of secondary metabolites constituting chemical and structural defense, including flavonoids, hydroxycinnamates, stilbenoids, coumarins and lignins, showed greater accumulation while other resource-competing metabolite pathways were depleted. High soluble sugar generation, efficient sugar utilization, and suppression or remobilization of resource-competing metabolites potentially contributed to curb the tradeoff between the carbon and energy demanding processes induced by Paraburkholderia-Broccoli interaction. Collectively, our results provide a comprehensive and integrated view of the temporal changes in plant metabolome associated with rhizobacteria-mediated plant growth promotion and induced resistance.
In disease-suppressive soils, microbiota protect plants from root infections. Bacterial members of this microbiota have been shown to produce specific molecules that mediate this phenotype. To date, however, studies have focused on individual suppressive soils and the degree of natural variability of soil suppressiveness remains unclear. Here, we screened a large collection of field soils for suppressiveness to Fusarium culmorum using wheat ( Triticum aestivum) as a model host plant. A high variation of disease suppressiveness was observed, with 14% showing a clear suppressive phenotype. The microbiological basis of suppressiveness to F. culmorum was confirmed by gamma sterilization and soil transplantation. Amplicon sequencing revealed diverse bacterial taxonomic compositions and no specific taxa were found exclusively enriched in all suppressive soils. Nonetheless, co-occurrence network analysis revealed that two suppressive soils shared an overrepresented bacterial guild dominated by various Acidobacteria. In addition, our study revealed that volatile emission may contribute to suppression, but not for all suppressive soils. Our study raises new questions regarding the possible mechanistic variability of disease-suppressive phenotypes across physico-chemically different soils. Accordingly, we anticipate that larger-scale soil profiling, along with functional studies, will enable a deeper understanding of disease-suppressive microbiomes.
Transcriptome analysis of Pseudomonas fluorescensSBW25 showed that 702 genes were differentially regulated in a gacS::Tn5 mutant, with 300 and 402 genes up- and downregulated respectively. Similar to the Gac regulon of other Pseudomonas species, genes involved in motility, biofilm formation, siderophore biosynthesis and oxidative stress were differentially regulated in the gacS mutant of SBW25. Our analysis also revealed, for the first time, that transcription of 19 rhizosphere-induced genes and of genes involved in type II secretion, (exo)polysaccharide and pectate lyase biosynthesis, twitching motility and an orphan non-ribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS) were significantly affected in the gacS mutant. Furthermore, the gacS mutant inhibited growth of oomycete, fungal and bacterial pathogens significantly more than wild type SBW25. Since RP-HPLC analysis did not reveal any potential candidate metabolites, we focused on the Gac-regulated orphan NRPS gene cluster that was predicted to encode an eight-amino-acid ornicorrugatin-like peptide. Site-directed mutagenesis indicated that the encoded peptide is not involved in the enhanced antimicrobial activity of the gacS mutant but may function as a siderophore. Collectively, this genome-wide analysis revealed that a mutation in the GacS/A two-component regulatory system causes major transcriptional changes in SBW25 and significantly enhances its antimicrobial activities by yet unknown mechanisms.