
Het NIOO-gebouw bij ondergaande zon
© Dronewageningen (2022)


The Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO) is a top research institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). The NIOO-KNAW is housed in a sustainable building in Wageningen, the Netherlands. 


Droevendaalsesteeg 10
6708 PB Wageningen

Postal address

P.O. Box 50 
6700 AB Wageningen
The Netherlands

+31 317 47 34 00

By public transport

From the centre of Wageningen or from Ede-Wageningen train station, RRReis Bus 303 brings you directly to NIOO. Bus stop: Campus/Atlas. On weekdays, Bus 303 departs every ten minutes.

By car

From Utrecht or Arnhem (A12): take exit Wageningen, follow direction Wageningen and follow the N781 to the roundabout . Take the third exit at the roundabout. The visitors parking lot of the NIOO is immediately past the side road to the right. The main entrance is reached via the footbridge over the pond along that side road.

Responsible disclosure

We consider the security of our IT systems to be very important. Despite our care for the security of our systems, a weakness may nevertheless exist. If you find a weakness in one of our systems, please report it to us immediately so that we can take action as quickly as possible. 

Responsible disclosure policy and reporting (via KNAW)