Ecology network

The Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW) performs leading ecological research. NIOO-researchers play a key role in the wider network of ecological science and knowledge., in the Netherlands and beyond.

Research facilities

Have a look at the ecological research infrastructure in the Netherlands.

View the map
Map with all NIOO facilities
© NIOO / Leaflet OpenStreetmap


We have developed a Data and Information Portal to streamline and organise the data and information management of the institute.

Datasets (Roy)

NIOO Professors & Lecturers

Working at NIOO

Most of our people are from the world of (international) science: professors, researchers and PhD students. They are joined by indispensable support staff in HR, Science Communication, Finances, ICT and Facilities.

Werken bij (Diversiteit)

Honorary fellowships


Scientists at the Netherlands Institute of Ecology publish the results of their research in over 200 peer-reviewed articles per year, as well as in books, dissertations, blogs and other formats. Most of the research output is freely available.

Licht op natuur veldlocatie