Jos Raaijmakers and Wim van der Putten on 2021 list of highly cited researchers

Jos Raaijmakers and Wim van der Putten on 2021 list of highly cited researchers
Clarivate Analytics has published its annual Web of Science list of highly cited researchers. Included for the fourth year running are NIOO researchers Jos Raaijmakers and Wim van der Putten. They're joined this year by Gilles van Wezel from Leiden University, who has NIOO as his secondary affiliation.
According to Clarivate, the highly anticipated list of some 6,600 names "identifies researchers who demonstrated significant influence in their chosen field or fields through the publication of multiple highly cited papers during the last decade."
They are drawn from the publications that rank in the top 1% by citations for field and publication year in the Web of Science citation index.
Cross-field impact
In addition to researchers in one or more of the broad fields used for Clarivate's Essential Science Indicators (ESI) analytical tool, the list also identifies researchers with cross-field impact.
To be included in the Cross-Field category, researchers must have influence equivalent to that of those included in one of the ESI subject categories.
Wim van der Putten (head of department, Terrestrial Ecology) and Gilles van Wezel (honorary fellow, Microbial Ecology) are both included in the Cross-Field category, while Jos Raaijmakers (head of department, Microbial Ecology) falls into the Microbiology category.
Permanent status
In 2015, 2016 and 2017, Marcel Visser (head of department, Animal Ecology) was also listed as a highly cited researcher, and before him NIOO microbial ecologist Hans van Veen (2001).
Clarivate: "Once a researcher is designated as Highly Cited by Clarivate Analytics, that researcher is always deemed Highly Cited in our view."