Droevendaalsesteeg 10
6708 PB Wageningen
The Netherlands
The Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations reflect that Thales of Milete was right: Everything is water indeed! So, being essential to life, water should be governed in a rational. effective (evidence based), fair and respectful way.
Carel Dieperink is honorary fellow at NIOO and senior researcher and lecturer at the Environmental Governance Group of the Copernicus Institute of Utrecht University. He has an MSc. in Public Administration (Twente University) and a PhD in International Relations (Utrecht University). His research and teaching activities can be summarized under the heading multilevel water governance and focus on the interplay between (inter)national institutions dealing with water quality and/or quantity issues. Recent projects concern the implementation of European Water Framework and Flood Directives, integrated coastal zone management, international river basin management, knowledge co-production (assessment of Dutch and EU water and climate projects), groundwater (over-)extraction and soil subsidence in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta, the use of ICT-applications in urban water governance, water governance capacities and policy feedback mechanisms in water governance. Carel is also board member of the Regional Water Authority De Stichtse Rijnlanden.