Working together
Working together
There’s a lot that we can learn from nature! Performing and promoting research, together with policy makers, nature managers and businesses - and sharing the new knowledge it produces. That is NIOO's strength.
Also, the efforts of volunteers are indispensable as citizen scientists.
Worldwide problems require shared solutions, for the sake of us all. NIOO, the national institute of ecology, is contributing to those solutions. With knowledge for now - and for the future!
Examples of our partners
BioClock ConsortiumA research consortium funded by NWO/the Dutch Science Agenda on the circadian clock in our 24/7 society, health care & environment.
Centre of Excellence BiodiversityXLFor Netherlands Biodiversity Research, together with Naturalis Biodiversity Center, the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ-NWO) and Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute-KNAW.
Ecological AuthorityVarious NIOO-scientists contribute to this independent advisory body, which monitors the use of all available ecological knowledge for decision-making on protected nature in the Netherlands.
The Netherlands Ecological Research Network (NERN)We are valued member of the network for all ecologists in the Netherlands.