Animal Ecology
The department’s research is aimed at understanding the causes and consequences of variation in life-history traits, including the underlying genomic mechanisms, as well as the variation in time and space, of population numbers and population composition.
The research of the department of Animal Ecology aims to integrate processes at the level of genes, physiology, behaviour and the population, within an evolutionary framework. Much of the research takes anthropogenic changes explicitly into account, such as adaptation to climate change, the impact of climate extremes, effects of urbanisation and changes in land-use.
The department’s research has two main objectives, which are ultimately to be integrated. In our evolutionary research, the dot on the research horizon is the transition from understanding to predicting evolution. This will involve understanding the genotype-phenotype map, with an emphasis on the role of genome methylation and on the drivers of selection. To predict these, we will focus on the role of climate extremes and human induced selection (climate change and land use change), mainly using our long-term field studies and our aviary research on small song-birds.
In our ecological research we will focus on forecasting population trends using integrated population models (for geese and swans in collaboration with CAPS partners), with an emphasis on Arctic systems (for geese and swans). Our greatest challenge is to connect evolutionary and ecological dynamics for a better understanding of the population consequences of anthropogenic effects, taking evolution into account.
Long-term population studies
A major hallmark of the research in Animal Ecology is long-term studies on hole-breeding passerines. At four locations in the Netherlands (Hoge Veluwe, Vlieland, Oosterhout, Liesbos) we have studied populations of great tits, blue tits, pied flycatchers and a few more species. These studies started in 1955 and are the longest running studies worldwide on individually known wild birds.
The study serves three main purposes. Firstly, we analyse long term trends in our populations, for instance in how species respond to climate change. Secondly, shorter term experimental work is done that makes use of the vast amount of background data that is available. Thirdly, we collaborate with a huge number of research groups in the world where our long-term data are used either to validate new methodology or as part of a comparative study.
Because of our central role in these collaborative projects, the department has initiated the Studies of Populations of Individuals – Birds (SPI-Birds) database, which greatly facilitates such collaboration.
Animal personality
Yes, animals have personality too! Anyone who has owned a pet can confirm this. In fact, animal personality represents one of the fastest-growing research areas in ecology and behavioural biology. Animal Ecology was at the cradle of this research field, and harbours one of the longest-term datasets of personality-typed individuals in a natural population. So, why does animal personality exist? What is causing this variation and what are the consequences? In Animal Ecology, we aim to answer these questions by combining our long-term field data with focused in- and outdoor experiments.
Impact of light
Today, natural darkness at night can only be found in remote areas. With economic growth and urbanisation, we - unintentionally - expose our natural environment to ever more artificial light. We study the effects on the presence, behaviour and physiology of different species groups, and their interactions. Knowledge on why and how animals respond to light at night enables us to prevent and mitigate negative impact.
Bird migration
In Animal Ecology we have a long history of tracking birds on their migration, starting with Bewick’s swans in the 1990s. By adding sensors next to GPS, the bird’s location and behaviour is monitored in increasing detail, enabling us for example to remotely determine nesting success. Our long-term tracking makes it possible to study how birds change their migration in response to mostly anthropogenic changes, and to use the tracked birds as sentinels of changes in their environment. We have a close connection to the Vogeltrekstation:
Prof. dr. Marcel Visser
- Function
- Head of department
Prof. dr. Bart A. Nolet
- Function
- Senior Researcher
Prof. dr. Kees van Oers
- Function
- Senior Researcher
Dr. Melissah Rowe
- Function
- Senior Researcher
Dr. ir. Kamiel Spoelstra
- Function
- Researcher
Peer-reviewed publications
Understanding human-commensalism through an ecological and evolutionary framework
Female reproductive tract microbiota varies with MHC profile
Migrating shorebird killed by raptor at 3000 m above ground as revealed by high‐resolution tracking
DARTS: Modelling effects of shocks on global, regional, urban and rural food security
Effects of age, breeding strategy, population density, and number of neighbors on territory size and shape in Passerculus sandwichensis (Savannah Sparrow)
Sentinel chicken surveillance reveals previously undetected circulation of West Nile virus in the Netherlands
The European Reference Genome Atlas: piloting a decentralised approach to equitable biodiversity genomics
Limited sensitivity of permafrost soils to heavy rainfall across Svalbard ecosystems
Circadian clock period length is not consistently linked to chronotype in a wild songbird
Unveiling the roles of temporal periodicity, the spatial environment and behavioural modes in terrestrial animal movement
Artificial light at night drives diel activity patterns of synanthropic pipistrelle bats and their prey
Tracking data as an alternative to resighting data for inferring population ranges
Climatic Predictors of Long-Distance Migratory Birds Breeding Productivity Across Europe
Advances in Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa limosa conservation research over the last 15 years
Early-life diet composition affects phenotypic variation of correlated animal personality traits
Seasonal and environmental factors contribute to the variation in the gut microbiome
Ixodes ricinus as potential vector for Usutu virus
Are comparable studies really comparable? Suggestions from a problem-solving experiment on urban and rural great tits
Variation in avian chronotype
Revisiting Perdeck's massive avian migration experiments debunks alternative social interpretations
Sea-level rise causes shorebird population collapse before habitats drown
The great tit HapMap project
Genetic and epigenetic differentiation in response to genomic selection for avian lay date
Bats in the spotlight
Frequency‐dependent tolerance to aircraft disturbance drastically alters predicted impact on shorebirds
Supporting study registration to reduce research waste
Observation of female-male mounting in the carrion crow
A country-wide examination of effects of urbanization on common birds
Quantifying the mutualism-antagonism continuum for seed removal by a granivorous disperser
Consequences of alternative stable states for short-term model-based control of cyanobacterial blooms
Effects of capture and GPS-tagging in spring on migration timing and reproduction in Pink-footed geese Anser brachyrhynchus
Odours of caterpillar-infested trees increase testosterone concentrations in male great tits
Temperature has an overriding role compared to photoperiod in regulating the seasonal timing of winter moth egg hatching
Early developmental carry‐over effects on exploratory behaviour and DNA methylation in wild great tits (Parus major)
Mapping wing morphs of Tetrix subulata using citizen science data: Flightless groundhoppers are more prevalent in grasslands near water
Are increasing roosting waterbird numbers responsible for eutrophication of shallow lakes? Examples from a Danish Ramsar site
Systematic approaches to assessing high temperature limits to fertility in animals
Short-time exposure to light at night affects incubation patterns and correlates with subsequent body weight in great tits (Parus major)
More management, less damage? With increasing population size, economic costs of managing geese to minimize yield losses may outweigh benefits
Divergence in evolutionary potential of life history traits among wild populations is predicted by differences in climatic conditions
Development and validation of the MosquitoWise survey to assess perceptions towards mosquitoes and mosquito-borne viruses in Europe
DARTS: Evolving Resilience of the Global Food System to Production and Trade Shocks
A systematic map of studies testing the relationship between temperature and animal reproduction
Long-term exposure to experimental light affects the ground-dwelling invertebrate community, independent of light spectra
Snowmelt progression drives habitat selection and vegetation disturbance by an Arctic avian herbivore
The role of male body size in mating success and male–male competition in a false widow spider
Structural genomic variation and migratory behavior in a wild songbird
Author Correction
Earlier springs increase goose breeding propensity and nesting success at Arctic but not at temperate latitudes
Climate change does not equally affect temporal patterns of natural selection on reproductive timing across populations in two songbird species
Female pond bats hunt in other areas than males and consume lighter prey when pregnant
The genomics of adaptation to climate in European great tit (Parus major) populations
Probing variation in reaction norms in wild populations
Implementing code review in the scientific workflow
Extreme events, trophic chain reactions, and shifts in phenotypic selection
Geese colonising New Land
Demographic signals of population decline and time to extinction in a seasonal, density-dependent model
Female great tits (Parus major) reproduce earlier when paired with a male they prefer
Phenological mismatch affects individual fitness and population growth in the winter moth
Detecting climate signals cascading through levels of biological organization
Timing and intensity of goose grazing
Artificial selection for reversal learning reveals limited repeatability and no heritability of cognitive flexibility in great tits (Parus major)
Meta-research: The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the gender gap in research productivity within academia
Individual life histories
The epigenetics of animal personality
Longitudinal covariation of testosterone and sperm quality across reproductive stages in the zebra finch
Limiting scaring activities reduces economic costs associated with foraging barnacle geese
The flexible brain
A standard protocol to report discrete stage-structured demographic information
Effects of anthropogenic light on species and ecosystems
Genotypes selected for early and late avian lay date differ in their phenotype, but not fitness, in the wild
Evolution in action
Year-round activity levels reveal diurnal foraging constraints in the annual cycle of migratory and non-migratory barnacle geese
Geese grazing grasslands
Translocation of shorebird siblings shows intraspecific variation in migration routines to arise after fledging
Rapid response screening for emerging zoonotic pathogens, barriers and opportunities
Winter food selection and exploratory behavior vary with natal territory characteristics in wild great tits
The pathology of co-infection with Usutu virus and Plasmodium spp. in naturally infected Eurasian blackbirds (Turdus merula)
Ingrained city rhythms
Incubation behaviour of the Common Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula at different latitudes
Developmental stress does not induce genome‐wide DNA methylation changes in wild great tit (Parus major) nestlings
The effect of climate change on avian offspring production: A global meta-analysis
Critical transitions and evolutionary hysteresis in movement
Combining acoustic tracking and LiDAR to study bat flight behaviour in three-dimensional space
Manipulating spectra of artificial light affects movement patterns of bats along ecological corridors
Assessing West Nile virus (WNV) and Usutu virus (USUV) exposure in bird ringers in the Netherlands: A high-risk group for WNV and USUV infection?
Variation in DNA methylation in avian nestlings is largely determined by genetic effects
Sharing habitat: Effects of migratory barnacle geese density on meadow breeding waders
Extra-pair paternity is not repeatable between years in Pied Flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca)
Song overlapping and matching during low‐arousal singing and their relation to visual ornaments, parental care and breeding success in the great tit ( Parus major )
Common seed dispersers contribute most to the persistence of a fleshy-fruited tree
Rapid formation of new migration route and breeding area by Arctic geese
Environmental refuges from disease in host‐parasite interactions under global change
Estimating Density Dependence, Environmental Variance, and Long-Term Selection on a Stage-Structured Life History
Blue tits are outperformed by great tits in a test of motor inhibition, and experience does not improve their performance
Scientists' warning on climate change and insects
Experimentally testing mate preference in an avian system with unidirectional bill color introgression
Energetic and behavioral consequences of migration
Polygamy and purifying selection in birds
Wild goose chase:
On the Origin and Evolution of Sperm Cells (editorial)
Migratory swans individually adjust their autumn migration and winter range to a warming climate
Arbovirus persistence in North-Western Europe
Predicting the non-breeding distributions of the two Asian subspecies of Black-tailed Godwit using morphological information
Substrate composition impacts long-term vegetation development on blue-green roofs
Temperature synchronizes temporal variation in laying dates across European hole‐nesting passerines
Species-specific song responses emerge as a by-product of tuning to the local dialect
More grazing, more damage? Assessed yield loss on agricultural grassland relates nonlinearly to goose grazing pressure
Biased adult sex ratios in Western Europe populations of Little Bustard Tetrax tetrax as a potential warning signal of unbalanced mortalities
Transcriptional regulation underlying the temperature response of embryonic development rate in the winter moth
Behavioural epigenetics