Droevendaalsesteeg 10
6708 PB Wageningen
The Netherlands
I study long-distance range expansion in Pink-footed Geese as mechanism to cope with advancing spring by climate change in the Arctic.
My research at NIOO focuses on dispersal as mechanism to cope with climate change. In Svalbard, Pink-footed Geese (Anser brachyrhynchus) traditionally breed in the west, whereas nowadays also the east (Edgeoya) becomes snow-free early enough in the season to serve as breeding habitat. Pink-footed Geese have recently colonized this area, and we expect them to be better matched with the local food pulse than geese on traditional grounds, resulting in higher fitness. We also investigate to what extent the annual cycle differs between geese of both areas in terms of energy and time budgets and migration timing and routes, and whether geese of both areas are genetically differentiated. We will test aggression, docility and stress resistance during handling as measures of personality to see if personality may have played a role in the colonization process.
I did my Bachelor at Wageningen Universtiy focusing on Ecology and Biodiversity, with a thesis on Age- and density-dependent breeding success of Goshawks (at NIOO, A.J. van Noordwijk, and WUR, D. Kleijn). I moved to Groningen for the Topmaster Programme Evolutionary biology, with theses on Tidal migration of mobile benthic prey of Red Knots (at NIOZ, P.J. van den Hout and T. Piersma), the Relationship of personality with early-life body mass in Blue tits (at University of Turku, J.E. Brommer and B. Class), and Sex-ratio and sexual dimorphism in chicks of Honey Buzzard (at University of Groningen, C. Both and R.G. Bijlsma). After graduation I contiued working in Turku on the blue tit personalities.
Before and throughout my studies I have joined long-term breeding biology studies on raptors and meadow birds around my home-town Groesbeek, and assisted in fieldwork with Great Skuas on the Faroe Islands (University of Glasgow, S. Hammer), and with Arctic Skuas, Red-necked Phalaropes and Barnacle geese on Tobseda, Russia (NIOO, T.K. Lameris, and IMARES, R.S.A. van Bemmelen).
I am a keen fieldwork-based ecologist, valuing a holistic view and precise and standardised observations, also leaving room to respond to unexpected phenomena. Illustrative of such attitude is this quote by Tinbergen in the sixties:
"We did not tackle the problem by systematic experimentation but by collecting incidental evidence, which is not too difficult provided one has the problem continuously in mind during watching. As a rule, Nature makes numerous experiments for us and it is amazing how much evidence on can collect if one is continuously on the alert and appreciative of the possibilities." (N. Tinbergen (1960) The Herring Gull's World, p.99)
Publications not mentioned in publications tab:
International journals:
Schreven K.H.T. & Lehikoinen A.E. 2020. Arctic Terns attacking a leucistic Barnacle Goose near Longyearbyen, Svalbard: an explanation for the high local leucism frequency? Goose Bulletin 26: 2-6. https://www.blessgans.de/fileadmin/Dateien_Blessgans/GooseBulletin/Goos…
Schreven K.H.T. 2020. Can Starlings imitate a Blackbird's song upon seeing a silent Blackbird? Fróðskapparit 65-66: 163-166 (with Faroese summary). https://ojs.setur.fo/index.php/frit/article/view/123
Schreven K.H.T., Dooley J.L., Leafloor J.O. & Tijsen W. 2020. Records of a 'crested' Lesser Snow Goose and Brent Goose in the wild, and a discussion of previous records in relation to environmental pollution. Goose Bulletin 25: 6-10. https://www.blessgans.de/fileadmin/Dateien_Blessgans/GooseBulletin/Goos…
Schreven K.H.T. 2020. Lanceolated Warbler on Hornøya, Svalbard. Dutch Birding 42(3): 175-179. https://www.dutchbirding.nl/journal/42/3
Schreven K.H.T. 2020. Arctic Skuas caring for Common Eider duckling. British Birds 113(4): 235-238. https://britishbirds.co.uk/content/arctic-skuas-caring-common-eider-duc…
Schreven K.H.T. 2020. Blue Tit feeding a Great Tit brood. British Birds 113(3): 182. https://britishbirds.co.uk/content/blue-tit-feeding-great-tit-brood
Schreven K.H.T. & Hammer S. 2019. Primary moult of Great Skuas on the breeding grounds, with special attention to the Faroe Islands. Sula 27: 1-16. https://natuurtijdschriften.nl/pub/708250
Schreven K.H.T. & Lehikoinen A.E. 2019. A 'crested' Pink-footed Goose observed in Norway, and possible explanations why crested waterfowl are rare in the wild. Goose Bulletin 24: 4-7. https://www.blessgans.de/fileadmin/Dateien_Blessgans/GooseBulletin/Goos…
Schreven K.H.T. & Kangassalo K. 2019. Male Blue Tit feeding an injured female. British Birds 112(1): 49-50. https://britishbirds.co.uk/content/notes-1
National journals
Thissen J.B.M., Schreven K.H.T., van der Horst Y., Müskens G.J.D.M. & Zollinger R. 2023. Studies of home range of a female Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) in the breeding season in Reichswald, Kleve with GPS telemetry. Charadrius 58: (in German with English summary)
Schreven K.H.T. & van der Horst Y.H.T.H. 2022. The road takes its toll: traffic victims in relation to characteristics of species, environment and a fauna passage. Limosa 95(1): 3-27 (in Dutch with English summary) https://limosa.nou.nu/limosa_samenvatting.php?language=UK&nr=5335
Schreven K.H.T. 2016. Predation by raptors and mammals on a large flock of Common Starlings Sturnus vulgaris at a night roost in a reedbed. De Takkeling 24(2): 102-110 (in Dutch with English summary) https://natuurtijdschriften.nl/pub/623888
Van Turnhout C., Nienhuis J., Majoor F., Ottens G., Schreven K. & Schoppers J. 2016. Breeding performance of Common Starlings Sturnus vulgaris in the Netherlands. Limosa 89(2): 37-45 (in Dutch with English summary) https://limosa.nou.nu/limosa_samenvatting.php?language=UK&nr=5156
Schreven K. & van der Horst, Y. 2016. A Sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus nestling without yellow carotenoid pigmentation. Limosa 89(2): 23-26 (in Dutch with English summary) https://limosa.nou.nu/limosa_samenvatting.php?language=UK&nr=5153
Müskens G.J.D.M., Thissen J.B.M., van der Horst Y., Schreven K.H.T., Visser D., Zollinger R. 2015. Extremely high raptor breeding densities in the Reichswald Forest near Kleve. Charadrius 51(2): 63-79 (in German with English summary) http://www.nw-ornithologen.de/index.php/publikationen/charadrius/charad…
Schreven K.H.T., Mooijman P.J.W. & Helder J. 2015. The parasitic nematode Synhimantus laticeps, identified using 18S rDNA sequencing, in the stomach of an emaciated Sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus. De Takkeling 23(2): 134-140 (in Dutch with English summary) https://natuurtijdschriften.nl/pub/603035
Klaassen R., Klaassen H., Berghuis A., Berghuis M., Schreven K., van der Horst, Y., Verkade, H. & Kearsley, L. 2014. Migration routes and wintering areas of Dutch Common Swifts Apus apus revealed using geolocators. Limosa 87(4): 173-181 (in Dutch with English summary) https://limosa.nou.nu/limosa_samenvatting.php?language=UK&nr=5101
Schreven K.H.T. 2014. An airgun pellet in the food of a Northern Goshawk Accipiter gentilis, in the context of hunting and lead poisoning. De Takkeling 22(3): 225-229 (in Dutch with English summary) https://natuurtijdschriften.nl/pub/595372
Schreven K.H.T. 2012. Egg-capping: a case in Common Buzzard Buteo buteo and evolutionary aspects. De Takkeling 20(2): 126-132 (in Dutch with English summary) https://natuurtijdschriften.nl/pub/547289
Local journals
Schreven K. 2022. De Veldleeuwerik als broedvogel in Groesbeek in 2009-2022. Groesbeeks Milieujournaal 45(2): 18-24 (in Dutch) https://www.wmg-groesbeek.nl/milieujournaal/Milieujournaal187.pdf
Thissen J., van der Horst Y. & Schreven K. 2017. Weidevogelbescherming in Groesbeek 2002-2017. Groesbeeks Milieujournaal 40(3): 8-14 (in Dutch) https://www.wmg-groesbeek.nl/milieujournaal/Milieujournaal169.pdf
Schreven K. 2017. Verspreiding en trends van de Veldleeuwerik als broedvogel in Groesbeek in 2009-2016. Mourik 43(1): 26-36 (in Dutch) https://vogelwerkgroepnijmegen.nl/?ddownload=2343
Schreven K. 2012. Staatssecretaris Bleker, de jagers, en de boeren. Groesbeeks Milieujournaal 35(1-2): 22-24 (in Dutch) https://www.wmg-groesbeek.nl/milieujournaal/Milieujournaal147_148.pdf
Schreven K. 2011. Viltkruiden en droogbloemen in Groesbeek. Groesbeeks Milieujournaal 34(4): 15-19 (in Dutch) https://www.wmg-groesbeek.nl/milieujournaal/Milieujournaal146.pdf
Schreven K. 2011. Helpgedrag bij het Waterhoen. Mourik 37(3): 103-106 (in Dutch) https://vogelwerkgroepnijmegen.nl/?ddownload=650
Schreven K. 2010. Bekentellingen in Groesbeek: watervogels in een glaciaal bekken in de winter. Mourik 36(3): 82-92 (in Dutch) https://vogelwerkgroepnijmegen.nl/?ddownload=708
Background: GPS-transmitters enable detailed study of animal behaviour but may impact the animals. Impacts vary from short-term stress and habituation to longer-term effects on e.g., migration and reproduction. To study impacts, ideally, true controls (i.e., uncaptured or untagged animals) are used, but unbiased assessments of their migration timing and breeding performance are challenging, especially in remote areas. Alternatively, quasi-controls can be used: individuals tagged longer ago, or the same tagged individuals but in later years. Quasi-controls reveal tagging effects that differ between the first and following years. Results: We captured Pink-footed geese (Anser brachyrhynchus) in spring and summer and deployed GPS-transmitter neckbands. In spring, geese were caught with cannon or clap nets on stopovers in Norway and Finland, 2 weeks before departure to breeding areas in Svalbard and Novaya Zemlya. In summer, geese were rounded up during wing moult in Svalbard. First, we compared geese tagged recently in spring with geese tagged in spring or summer 1–4 years prior. Newly tagged geese migrated significantly later, by 2 days, than previously tagged geese, both at departure from the spring stopover and arrival to the breeding grounds, while migration duration did not differ. Breeding propensity and laying date did not differ, but nesting success tended to be lowered, resulting in a significantly lower annual probability to produce hatchlings in recently tagged geese than in previously tagged geese. Second, within individuals tagged in spring, spring migration advanced in their next year, suggesting delay in their first spring. This was likely not an ageing effect, as geese tagged in summer showed no advancing spring migration timing over the years. Third, in Svalbard, observed brood sizes of geese tagged in summer and untagged geese did not differ 1 year after tagging. Conclusions: The capture and GPS-tagging of geese 2 weeks before spring departure delayed their spring migration and lowered their probability to produce hatchlings in that year. These effects lasted longer than previously reported week-long effects of GPS-tagging on time budgets in summer and of neck-banding on spring body condition. Additional study is needed to evaluate longer-term or permanent effects which remain undetected with quasi-controls.
Intermittent breeding is an important tactic in long-lived species that trade off survival and reproduction to maximize lifetime reproductive success. When breeding conditions are unfavourable, individuals are expected to skip reproduction to ensure their own survival. Breeding propensity (i.e. the probability for a mature female to breed in a given year) is an essential parameter in determining reproductive output and population dynamics, but is not often studied in birds because it is difficult to obtain unbiased estimates. Breeding conditions are especially variable at high latitudes, potentially resulting in a large effect on breeding propensity of Arctic-breeding migratory birds, such as geese. With a novel approach, we used GPS-tracking data to determine nest locations, breeding propensity and nesting success of barnacle geese, and studied how these varied with breeding latitude and timing of arrival on the breeding grounds relative to local onset of spring. Onset of spring at the breeding grounds was a better predictor of breeding propensity and nesting success than relative timing of arrival. At Arctic latitudes (>66° N), breeding propensity decreased from 0.89 (95% CI: 0.65–0.97) in early springs to 0.22 (95% CI: 0.06–0.55) in late springs, while at temperate latitudes, it varied between 0.75 (95% CI: 0.38–0.93) and 0.89 (95% CI: 0.41–0.99) regardless of spring phenology. Nesting success followed a similar pattern and was lower in later springs at Arctic latitudes, but not at temperate latitudes. In early springs, a larger proportion of geese started breeding despite arriving late relative to the onset of spring, possibly because the early spring enabled them to use local resources to fuel egg laying and incubation. While earlier springs due to climate warming are considered to have mostly negative repercussions on reproductive success through phenological mismatches, our results suggest that these effects may partly be offset by higher breeding propensity and nesting success.
The Russian breeding population of barnacle geese Branta leucopsis has shown a rapid increase in numbers since 1980, which has coincided with a southwest-wards breeding range expansion within the Russian Arctic. Here barnacle geese also started to occupy coastal and marsh land habitats, in which they were not know to nest on their traditional breeding grounds. While these changes have been well documented by studies and observations throughout the new breeding range of barnacle geese, observations are lacking from the traditional breeding grounds on Novaya Zemlya, as this area is remote and difficult to access. This is especially relevant given rapid climate warming in this area, which may impact local distribution and population size. We used GPS-tracking and behavioural biologging data from 46 individual barnacle geese captured on their wintering grounds to locate nest sites in the Russian Arctic and study nesting distribution in 2008–2010 and 2018–2020. Extrapolating from nest counts on Kolguev Island, we estimate the breeding population on Novaya Zemlya in 2018–2020 to range around 75,250 pairs although the confidence interval around this estimate was large. A comparison with the historical size of the barnacle goose population suggests an increase in the breeding population on Novaya Zemlya, corresponding with changes in other areas of the breeding range. Our results show that many barnacle geese on Novaya Zemlya currently nest on lowland tundra on Gusinaya Zemlya Peninsula. This region has been occupied by barnacle geese only since 1990 and appears to be mainly available for nesting in years with early spring. Tracking data are a valuable tool to increase our knowledge of remote locations, but counts of breeding individuals or nests are needed to further corroborate estimates of breeding populations based on tracking data.