Droevendaalsesteeg 10
6708 PB Wageningen
The Netherlands
Since the end of 2011, Iris Chardon works as a research assistant within the Microbial Ecology department of the Netherlands Institute of Ecology.
One of her main drivers is developing and/or optimising analytical methods, gaining and transferring knowledge, and thereby contributing to the development of others. Besides that, she is involved in research projects.
Iris is specialized in chemical analyses of soil, sediment, plant and headspace samples. She is responsible for three different gas chromatographs for measuring greenhouse gases, a laser diffraction analyser and a TOC analyser. Next to that she gives advice to (PhD-) students and (postdoctoral) researchers about nutrient or enzyme analyses, and instructs them for performing extractions or destructions. She analyses the extracts with ICP-OES, LC-MSMS, an AutoAnalyser or an Element Analyser.
From 2019 till 2023 she was involved as a research assistant within the TTW project ‘SmartResidue’, together with Paul Bodelier, Stijn van den Bergh, Gerard Korthals and Wietse de Boer. The project aimed to lower the greenhouse gas emission by turning agricultural soils into sinks of methane after application of bio-based residues. The mechanisms of this residue stimulated methane uptake have been investigated. Iris arranged the purchase of a laser diffraction analyser via a public tender, made the analyser operational, and developed methods to measure soil aggregate stability and particle size distribution with laser diffraction. Next to that, she performed many GC analyses, field screenings, DNA isolations, qPCR assays, nutrient analyses, PLFA extractions and much more.
Feel free to visit her LinkedIn page for more information: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ichardon/