Droevendaalsesteeg 10
6708 PB Wageningen
The Netherlands
Applying ecological knowledge on nature-based solutions for improved water quality and valorization of resources
Tânia is an Environmental Engineer with a PhD degree in Environmental Technology from Wageningen University (2010). She is a researcher at NIOO from 2011, and since 2017 she founded the Microalgae Eco-Technologies Solutions unit (METS) within the Aquatic Ecology Department. Within her unit, she explores the potential of microalgae - bacteria biodiversity and interactions for ecological and sustainable nature- based technologies, providing clean water, valorisation of resources and safe solutions. She applies modern ecological principles and theories in designing biodiverse engineered ecosystems for closing carbon and nutrients cycles and removing anthropogenic pollutants, such as pharmaceuticals and pesticides.
The authors regret that they have not provided the correct statement on Data availability: All raw data and R scripts used in this study are publicly available on Zenodo at: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12654216>. The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Global surface waters are in a bad ecological and chemical state, which has detrimental effects on entire ecosystems. To prevent further deterioration of ecosystems and ecosystem services, it is vital to minimize environmental pollution and come up with ways to keep surface water healthy and clean. Recently, photogranules have emerged as a promising platform for wastewater treatment to remove organic matter and nutrients with reduced or eliminated mechanical aeration, while also facilitating CO2 capture and production of various bioproducts. Photogranules are microbial aggregates of microalgae, cyanobacteria, and other non-phototrophic organisms that form dense spheroidic granules. Photogranules settle fast and can be easily retained in the treatment system, which allows increased amounts of water and wastewater to be treated. So far, photogranules have only been tested on various “high-strength” wastewaters but they might be an excellent choice for treatment of large volumes of polluted surface water as well. Here, we propose and tested for the first time photogranules on their effectiveness to remove nutrients from polluted surface water at unprecedented low concentrations (3.2 mg/L of nitrogen and 0.12 mg/L of phosphorous) and low hydraulic retention time (HRT = 1.5 h). Photogranules can successfully remove nitrogen (<0.6 mg/L, ∼80 % removal) and phosphorous (<0.01 mg/L, 90–95 % removal) to low levels in sequencing batch operation even without the need for pH control. Subjecting photogranules to surface water treatment conditions drastically changed their morphology. While, under “high-strength” conditions the photogranules were spherical, dense and defined, under polluted surface water conditions photogranules increased their surface area by forming fingers. However, this did not compromise their excellent settling properties. Finally, we discuss the future perspectives of photogranular technology for surface water treatment.
Photogranules are a novel wastewater treatment technology that can utilize the sun's energy to treat water with lower energy input and have great potential for nutrient recovery applications. They have been proven to efficiently remove nitrogen and carbon but show lower conversion rates for phosphorus compared to established treatment systems, such as aerobic granular sludge. In this study, we successfully introduced polyphosphate accumulating organisms (PAOs) to an established photogranular culture. We operated photobioreactors in sequencing batch mode with six cycles per day and alternating anaerobic (dark) and aerobic (light) phases. We were able to increase phosphorus removal/recovery by 6 times from 5.4 to 30 mg/L/d while maintaining similar nitrogen and carbon removal compared to photogranules without PAOs. To maintain PAOs activity, alternating anaerobic feast and aerobic famine conditions were required. In future applications, where aerobic conditions are dependent on in-situ oxygenation via photosynthesis, the process will rely on sunlight availability. Therefore, we investigated the feasibility of the process under diurnal cycles with a 12-h anaerobic phase during nighttime and six short cycles during the 12 h daytime. The 12-h anaerobic phase had no adverse effect on the PAOs and phototrophs. Due to the extension of one anaerobic phase to 12 h the six aerobic phases were shortened by 47% and consequently decreased the light hours per day. This resulted in a decrease of phototrophs, which reduced nitrogen removal and biomass productivity up to 30%. Finally, we discuss and suggest strategies to apply PAO-enriched photogranules at large-scale.
Organic micropollutants (OMPs) need to be removed from wastewater as they can negatively affect aquatic organisms. It has been demonstrated that microalgae-based technologies are efficient in removing OMPs from wastewater. In this study, the removal processes and kinetics of six persistent OMPs (diclofenac, clarithromycin, benzotriazole, metoprolol, carbamazepine and mecoprop) were studied during cultivation of Scenedesmus obliquus in batch mode. These OMPs were added as individual compounds and in a mixture. Short experiments (8 days) were performed to avoid masking of OMP removal processes by light and nutrient limitation. The results show that diclofenac, clarithromycin, and benzotriazole were mainly removed by photodegradation (diclofenac), biodegradation (benzotriazole), or a combination of these two processes (clarithromycin). Peroxidase was involved in intracellular and extracellular biodegradation when benzotriazole was present as individual compound. Carbamazepine, metoprolol and mecoprop showed no biodegradation or photodegradation, and neglectable removal (<5%) by bioadsorption and bioaccumulation. Using an OMP mixture had an adverse effect on the photodegradation of clarithromycin and diclofenac, with reduced first-order kinetic constants compared to the individual compounds. Benzotriazole biodegradation was inhibited by the presence of the OMP mixture. This indicates that the presence of OMPs inhibits the photodegradation and biodegradation of some individual OMPs. These results will improve our understanding of removal processes of individual and mixtures of OMPs by microalgae-based technologies for wastewater treatment.