Belén Franco-Cisterna

Belén Franco-Cisterna PhD



Droevendaalsesteeg 10
6708 PB Wageningen

+31 (0) 317 47 34 00

The Netherlands


I am a marine biologist investigating the importance and function of phytoplankton and zooplankton for carbon sequestration in aquatic ecosystems


I am an enthusiastic scientist focused on the study of plankton biogeochemistry, ecology, and diversity. I got my bachelor's in Marine Biology and master's in Oceanography at the University of Concepción (Chile), and recently got my Ph.D. in Biology at the University of Southern Denmark (Denmark).

My research aims to understand the function of phytoplankton and zooplankton in carbon and nitrogen cycling. Specifically, through the production of sinking particles and their interaction with microorganisms. My research has been based on field and experimental work in the Southeast Pacific Ocean, Southwest Atlantic Ocean, and the Subarctic.

At NIOO, I am currently investigating the role of phytoplankton in carbon sequestration in shallow lakes.