Merlijn Schram

Merlijn Schram MSc

PhD Candidate
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Visiting Address

Droevendaalsesteeg 10
6708 PB Wageningen

+31 (0) 317 47 34 00

The Netherlands


The soil is an invaluable component in nature’s contributions to people. Soil biodiversity contributes greatly to soil functionality. A thorough inventory of soil biodiversity can help us monitor changes, in order to optimally protect and improve the soil.


I'm a PhD candidate in the Terrestrial Ecology department, studying soil ecology in the SoilProS project. The focus of my project is on the relationship between soil health and soil biodiversity. Within the SoilProS project, we have collected an extensive dataset of Dutch soil biodiversity.

Projects & collaborations


  • Soil biodiversity analysis for sustainable production systems (SoilProS)

    Project 2022–Present
    SoilProS will interpret big data on soil biodiversity, soil chemical and physical characteristics with respect to current and desired soil functions, and how to use this information in order to help farmers predicting which crop varieties, seed mixtures, (organic) fertilizers, soil inocula, and organic substrates enhance the environmental sustainability of their activities.
    microscopic soil organisms