Aquatic laboratories

- Infrastructuurtype
- Analytical facilities
- Instituut
The facility
The aquatic laboratories facilitate researchers working with aquatic samples, sediments or organisms. They include laboratories with specialised equipment for aquatic analyses, dedicated rooms for controlled experiments, and they give access to separate storage areas for field equipment, sample storage, chemicals and disposables stocks.
Research topics
Aquatic organisms, phytoplankton, zooplankton, macrophytes
Running period (guaranteed funding)
Equipment / facilities
- Inverted microscope Leica DMI4000B equipped with Kiralux 5MP CMOS Color Camera
- Inverted microscope Leica DMI4000B equipped with Colorview III 5MP CCD Camera
- Coulter Cell Counter Multisizer 3
- PHYTO-PAM Phytoplankton analyzer
- Specialized 6 Way filtration set-up with filtrate retrieval 3x
- Laminar flowbench CleanAir 2x
- Autoclave Panasonic 4x
- Spectrophotometer Unicam Helios delta
- High temperature Oven (250Cmax) Heraeus UT6 2x
- Stereomicroscope Leica M205C with camera DFC450
- Stereomicroscope Leica MZ 16
- Stereomicroscope Leica Wild MZ8
- FlowCAM Benchtop B3 series
- Microfine grinder MF10 Basic IKA
- Climate Chamber Infors Multitron standard 3x
- Climate Chamber New Brunswick Innova 40C 1x
- Climate Chamber Sneijders Economic Lux
- And standard laboratory equipment, e.g., centrifuges, waterbath, scales, vortex, pipettes, label printers.
11 experimental rooms set up with:
- Adaptable work layout
- Direct access to ground water, tap water, demineralized water (ultrapure water within the building)
- Direct access to pressurized air, N2, CH4, CO2
- Glycol heating/cooling network with programmable temperatures
- Led light system in natural/adaptable wavelengths
- Glass storage with washing facilities
- Storage area for disposables
- Storage area for cold preserved samples (5, -20, -80 Celsius)
- Storage area for chemically preserved samples (e.g., ethanol, iodine, formaldehyde)
- Field equipment storage, for boat, diving equipment, field materials e.g., phytoplankton nets, water and samplers from Uwitec , Hydrolab DS Multiprobe, Lowrance Elite5 echosounder
Data management
All data are managed according to the NIOO Research data policy, which is in compliance with FAIR data guidelines. Available data sets are available through DRYAD (arising from publications) or upon request (not covered in publications). Available datasets: N/A
Conditions for access
For access to the aquatic laboratories, a general laboratory introduction is mandatory. Additional instructions can be provided by a research technician if required.
- Infrastructuurtype
- Analytical facilities
- Instituut
Steven Declerck