KIMA (Knowledge and Innovation Programme Marker Wadden) final conference

KIMA (Knowledge and Innovation Programme Marker Wadden) final conference
In the Knowledge and Innovation Program Marker Wadden (KIMA), the Dutch Department of Waterways and Public Works and its partners investigate how the Marker Wadden ecosystem is developing. Results will be presented, and discussions held, at a conference in Amsterdam. Speakers include NIOO-researchers Liesbeth Bakker and Casper van Leeuwen, and NIOO-director Geert de Snoo.
Marker Wadden is a man-made archipelago of nature islands in the centre of the Netherlands, created with excess sediment from the bottom of Markermeer lake. The archipelago is being built to tackle the deterioration of the ecosystem in the lake. The bed is covered with a thick blanket of mud that disrupts the life of plants, fish, crustaceans and shellfish.
Five years of research
Marker Wadden aims to create a win-win situation: mud from the bed of the Markermeer is being reused to build the islands, improving water quality and the underwater habitat, and creating a new nature and leisure area.
The islands have been extensively researched over the past 5 years, focusing on the themes of building with fine sediments, ecosystem development and governance.
In the Knowledge and Innovation Program Marker Wadden (KIMA), the Department of Waterways and Public Works, Deltares, EcoShape and Natuurmonumenten investigate how the Marker Wadden ecosystem is developing.
Three-day conference
The aim of the KIMA conference is to learn about the research results. Participants will discuss ecological restoration and building with nature in shallow lakes, in relation to climate adaptation and biodiversity.
On the first day, the results of the Knowledge and Innovation programme will be shared, together with lessons learned. On the second day, there is room to discuss ecological restoration and building with nature in other shallow lakes. The third days will comprise a visit to the Marker Wadden led by the researchers.
NIOO-researcher Liesbeth Bakker will speak at the conference and host a debate. In addition, NIOO's director Geert de Snoo will be one of the guests at a forum debate on 13 October, and Casper van Leeuwen will host a session on the fish and bird ecology of the rapidly developing wetlands on 12 October,
For whom?
The conference welcomes professionals from governments, nature organisations, companies and knowledge institutions involved in ecological restoration and management of shallow lakes.
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