Droevendaalsesteeg 10
6708 PB Wageningen
The Netherlands
Biodiversity is facing severe consequences due to anthropogenic factors. Thus, I studied Biology at Wageningen University & Research here in the Netherlands and specialized in a “Biodiversity & Ecology” MSc degree.
During my studies in Wageningen I learned: i) How the chemical ecology of insects shapes trophic systems and ecosystem functions ii) Which are the neurobiological mechanisms affecting the chemical ecology of insects. After my studies I continued exploring the amazing sensory systems of insects as a volunteer entomologist of InsectSense B.V at the Wageningen StartHub.
Throughout my PhD project within the BioClock consortium I will focus on the effect of artificial light at night on the spatial and temporal responses of moth species. Moths are not only key prey species for birds and bats but are also severely underappreciated as important nocturnal pollinators. Research examining the effect of light intensity and spectral wavelength on moth responses will be conducted at the Lights on Nature experimental sites. The project also aims to link moth behaviours under illuminated conditions at night to their corresponding neurophysiological mechanisms of photoreception and circadian rhythmicity. Such information could potentially contribute towards mitigating the effects of light pollution.