Erik Reichman

Ir. Erik Reichman

Research assistant


Droevendaalsesteeg 10
6708 PB Wageningen

+31 (0) 317 47 34 00

The Netherlands


"Water is the driving force of all nature"


Erik graduated in 2009 as a Bioprocess engineer at the University of Wageningen.
He did a thesis in Virology, where he was aiming to develop an eatable vaccine against the chicken disease Coccidiosis. He cloned an antibody against this disease in a CMV-vector and transformed this vector successfully in a plant. The plant produced the antibody, but the expression was too low to be successful. A second thesis brought him to the aquatic world where he was checking the effects of ivermectin, an anti-parasitic drug used for cattle, in the aquatic environment. This experience convinced him for a professional career in the aquatic world in science. In 2008 he started to work as a research assistant at the WUR, where he worked in a big project in a collaboration between Section Environmental Technology and Aquatic Ecology and Water management group. In this project the toxicity of PAC’s and PCB’s was investigated on the aquatic environment and especially how to remediate the contaminated sediment with Activated Carbon. Since 2013 he is working at NIOO as a research assistant in the department Aquatic Ecology. As a generalist, he is involved in the many different disciplines performed by the different research groups. If you can’t find him in the institute, he is doing fieldwork. Otherwise, he is sitting behind the microscope counting zooplankton or somewhere in the chemical lab.