Droevendaalsesteeg 10
6708 PB Wageningen
The Netherlands
I completed my bachelor's degree at Northwest A&F University in China, specializing in Water and Soil Conservation and Desertification Combating. My keen interest in soil physics, particularly soil erosion, led me to pursue a master's program in 'International Land and Water Management' at Wageningen University and Research. The comprehensive curriculum of this program broadened my perspective on soil sciences, eventually shifting my focus to a more generalized study of soil. This newfound interest culminated in a master thesis that concentrated on agricultural soil pesticide residues. Subsequently, I seized an opportunity to further my research in soil sciences, specifically focusing on the synergistic interactions between above and below-ground processes in agricultural systems through diversified cropping systems. Here, I adopted the 'plant-soil feedback' concept to advance research in applying natural theory to current intensified agriculture, contributing to the development of sustainable agricultural practices.