Youri van der Horst

Youri van der Horst BSc

Research assistant


Droevendaalsesteeg 10
6708 PB Wageningen

+31 (0) 317 47 34 00

The Netherlands


My work at NIOO will mean my hobby will become my job. I can combine being outdoors with my interest in bird ecology. I am very happy to get the opportunity to assist others in doing innovative and interesting research.


I have always had an interest in birds and their ecology. From a young age I started with observing birds which slowly developed in an interest in doing research on birds. Starting with finding and protecting with lapwing nests, evolved in participating with a volunteer research group doing extensive research on the breeding ecology of raptors. Around that same time, I developed an interest in research on waterfowl such as geese, ducks and swans. Combining catching, ringing and color ring reading I can spent many hours outdoors both in summer and winter.

After doing my bachelors in Biology at Wageningen University I started a temporary job at NIOO-KNAW, doing fieldwork at Animal ecology and Vogeltrekstation. After three years away I have now returned to NIOO to work as a research assistant at Animal ecology. I will focus on the hole breeding passerines in the breeding season and will do field and data work in winter.





  • 2024–Present
    Research Assistant, Animal Ecology
  • 2020–2024
    Project employee, Waardenburg Ecology
  • 2018–2020
    Fieldwork employee Animal ecology/ Vogeltrekstation


Bsc Biology, Wageningen University

