Droevendaalsesteeg 10
6708 PB Wageningen
The Netherlands
I address challenges in eco-evolutionary feedbacks between the movement behaviour of individuals, population dynamics, and environmental changes. Currenlty, I research goose migration and famer-goose conflicts using individual-based models.
Dr Monique de Jager (1984) graduated from Leiden University in 2008, after which she started her PhD at the Spatial Ecology group of NIOO-CEME (now NIOZ-Yerseke). Here, she worked on eco-evolutionary feedbacks between individual mussel's cooperative and movement behaviour and the spatial patterns that emerge in self-organized mussel beds. In 2013, she moved to Zurich, Switzerland, to work on evolution of seed dispersal strategies in alpine plants, as a postdoc at the Plant Ecology group of ETH Zurich. In 2014, she moved back to the Netherlands to work on seed dispersal strategies of water-dispersed plants, as a postdoc at the Ecology and Biology group of Utrecht University. She defended her thesis at Groningen University in 2015.
After two postdocs on seed dispersal evolution, Monique switched back to research animal movements in 2017, as a postdoc at Biometris, Wageningen University and Research. Here, she modelled movements of critically endangered Maui dolphins to obtain an estimate of their population distribution. In 2018, she returned to the NIOO for her current postdoc at the Animal Ecology group.