Maartje van Deventer

Maartje van Deventer

Research assistant


Droevendaalsesteeg 10
6708 PB Wageningen

+31 (0) 317 47 34 00

The Netherlands


As a research assistant within the Animal Ecology Department I assist in different fields by doing fieldwork and working on our long term database with data from many different research projects.


From 2016 - 2020 I studied Animal Management in Leeuwarden and specialized in Wildlife Management. During my internships I had the opportunity to be involved with various fascinating research projects, getting acquainted with the great tit research here at NIOO, looking into red knot personality at NIOZ on Texel, and my bachelor thesis revolved around disturbance of skylarks breeding on military airbases.

As of february 2022, I'm back at NIOO and I hope to stay and support the wonderful research here for some time to come!