Garbeva Group

Garbeva Group

Microbial Ecology

The focus of Garbeva research group is to understand the fundamental mechanisms of microbe-microbe and plant-microbe communication and interactions with particular attention to the role of microbial volatiles.  Microbial volatiles are chemically very diverse and play important roles in long-distance interactions and communication. Volatiles can diffuse fast in both gas- and water phase and hence, mediate swift chemical interactions. Next to the constitutively emitted volatiles, microbes can emit induced volatiles that are triggered by microbial interspecific interactions. In terms of biological functions, microbial volatiles are able to affect many different types of target organisms, such as bacteria, fungi, protists, plants, or animals.

Modes of diffusion of microbial volatiles and responses in microorganisms, plants and animals to their exposure
Modes of diffusion of microbial volatiles and responses in microorganisms, plants and animals to their exposure

In this short film, Ruth Schmidt, Olaf Tyc and Kristin Schulz talk about the important ecological role of volatiles, and the research they do at NIOO.
  • Garbeva Group 2017
    Garbeva Group 2017
  • Garbeva Group 2019
    Garbeva Group 2019
Garbeva Group 2022
Garbeva Group 2022