Hugo Langezaal

Hugo Langezaal MSc

PhD Candidate
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Visiting Address

Droevendaalsesteeg 10
6708 PB Wageningen

+31 (0) 317 47 34 00

The Netherlands


Biodiversity is my business. I work on increasing biodiversity in rural landscapes of the Duin- and Bollenstreek in the Netherlands. By doing so, I hope to contribute to the ecological intensification of agriculture with plenty of room for biodiversity.


During my study of Forest and Nature Conservation at Wageningen University I had a broad interest in species interactions and biodiversity research. I also took an interest in aquatic ecology. 

After my study, I worked for almost three years in ecological consultancy. After a while, I decided I wanted to be able to perform in depth ecological research again where a good portion of fieldwork is involved. Because I grew up in the Duin- and Bollenstreek and previously already worked on nature development on former flower bulb fields, the topic at NIOO on biodiversity restoration in the Duin- and Bollenstreek had my name written all over it.

The focus of my part of the project is on understanding the current state of biodiversity in the rural part of the Duin- and Bollenstreek and to provide tools and insight in biodiversity improvement and the ecology of restoration measures. This should all result in practical measures and indicators that can be implemented to restore biodiversity in rural landscapes and move towards sustainable agricultural land use with room for biodiversity. Such measures could be directed at restoring hedgerows, farming practices or land-water connections.

You can read more about the topic Here:
or here:

Flower bulb field somewhere around the beginning of the 20th century, painted by Anton Koster
Flower bulb landscape near Haarlem somewhere around the beginning of the 20th century, painted by Anton Koster

Research groups



  • 2022–Present
    PhD candidate NIOO-KNAW
  • 2019–2022
    Ecological consultant at Movares


  • 2012–2015
    Bsc Forest and Nature Conservation at Wageningen University
  • 2015–2019
    Msc Forest and Nature Conservation at Wageningen University
  • 2015–2019
    Msc Aquaculture and Marine Resource Management at Wagingen University

Projects & collaborations


Additional Projects

Living Lab B7 — Met Boeren, Bewoners, Bezoekers en Beleidsmakers werken aan een Betere Biodiversiteit in de Bollenstreek


