Liesbeth Bakker's inaugural address & Rewilding Symposium

Rewilding Symposium programme
© Wageningen UR

Liesbeth Bakker's inaugural address & Rewilding Symposium


On 29 September, Liesbeth Bakker (senior researcher, NIOO-KNAW dept. of Aquatic Ecology) will deliver her inaugural address as Special Professor of Rewilding Ecology at Wageningen University & Research.

Perro de Jong / NIOO-KNAW
Liesbeth Bakker

The title of Liesbeth Bakker's lecture is 'The Ecology of Rewilding Landscapes'. It marks the formal inauguration of Europe's first chair in Rewilding Ecology.

The lecture starts at 16:00 in the Omnia Auditorium at Wageningen UR, and will be preceded by a symposium on the 'people, policy and practice' of rewilding.

The symposium starts at 09:00, and is free to attend either on-site or online. Please click the link to register. 

During the event, rewilding scientists and experts will discuss how rewilding contributes to ecosystem restoration, what its position is under national and European laws and policies, and what are the best ways to communicate rewilding science.

Speakers at the symposium include award-winning Dutch filmmaker Ruben Smit and the co-founder and managing director of Rewilding Europe, Frans Schepers. Download the programme for more details.