Inaugural lecture by Lisette de Senerpont Domis

Dr. Lisette de Senerpont Domis

Inaugural lecture by Lisette de Senerpont Domis


The power of observation: smart monitoring of aquatic systems in the light of fast global change

The Rector Magnificus of the University of Twente would like to announce that Prof.dr. Lisette de Senerpont Domis appointed by the Executive Board of the University of Twente as Professor of Pervasive Systems at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), and the Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), will be giving an inaugural lecture in the Prof. ir. M.P. Breedveld Room, Waaier Building, at 16.00 hrs. on to mark the occasion of her appointment.

The title of her lecture will be: "The power of observation: smart monitoring of aquatic systems in the light of fast global change"

The Rector Magnificus kindly invite you to attend this event. Before the inaugural lecture coffee and tea will be served in the foyer of the Waaier building from 15.00 hrs. After the lecture there will be an opportunity to congratulate at the reception.