The zooplankton-microbiome (MicroZoo): beyond microbe-host associations

Project 2016–Present
Collection of approaches taken in MicroZoo



Zooplankton is a crucial component of aquatic food webs. Microbes colonizing zooplankton species  have been proposed to provide numerous ecosystem services including nutrient acquisition, stress protection, detoxification, and habitat provision but can also affect lake biogeochemistry by catalyzing important biogeochemical reactions. The MicroZoo project focusses on the role of zooplankton-microbe interactions in the functioning of freshwater aquatic food webs and lake biogeochemistry. This will be done by a combination of field and laboratory experiments, jointly executed by the departments of Microbial and Aquatic Ecology in cooperation with partners in Poland and Denmark.

Heated lakes in Poland
Paul Bodelier
Heated lakes in Poland sampled for microbiome of zooplankton.
Microbiomes in heated Polish lakes.
Sainur Samad
Composition of microbiomes associated to zooplankton in heated lakes

Cooperating partner


Former project members

  • Hyojung Lee 
  • Sainur Samad
  • Annelies Veraart




  • Water quality
  • GHG emission from lakes