A new website
A new website
You are now on our brand new website. With a new look and feel, and a solid spotlight on the three major ecological themes our researchers are working on.
As of today, you find NIOO's research themes - biodiversity, climate change and the sustainable use of land & water - right at the top of our new homepage. If you click on one of the themes, everything about that theme will be at your fingertips: original dossiers, research news, practical applications and which of our researchers are experts in the field.
From our homepage, it's easy to target what you're looking for. But we'll also tell you more about who we are and what we're doing, with our selection of NIOO news stories and upcoming events. And if you want to take a look around, you can start with our featured content, or by watching the new NIOO-film that takes you on a journey through our research.
The design of the new website is spacious and clear, with plenty or room for visuals and for our experts, whom you'll find in the same place throughout the site for better visibility. Because they're the ones who make sure our research remains world class, while being solidly rooted in society: Ecology for Life!
The website wouldn't exist without our partners, LimoenGroen (technical) and Puurpxl (design). But: no new website without teething problems. So if something doesn't work as you'd expect, or you can't find what you're looking for, please let us know! Here at NIOO we love bugs...but only the kind you find outside in nature.
Found a problem? Questions? Comments? Please send an email to web-servicedesk@nioo.knaw.nl.