Soil ecotron

The ecotron consists of 60 cilinders with intact (non-disturbed) sand, peat or sea clay cores (20 each). For each soil treatment, ten of the cilinders are inoculated with soil from species-rich grassland with the same soil type. The other ten are inoculated with sterile soil from the same grassland. The cilinders are buried in an experimental garden.
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Bodembiodiversiteit onderzoeken
© Froukje Rienks / NIOO-KNAW


Infrastructure type
Ecotron outdoor

The facility

The ecotron consists of 60 cilinders with intact (non-disturbed) sand, peat or sea clay cores (20 each). For each soil treatment, ten of the cilinders are inoculated with soil from species-rich grassland with the same soil type. The other ten are inoculated with sterile soil from the same grassland. The cilinders are buried in an experimental garden.
The cilinders have a diameter of 95 cm and a height of 1 meter (±700 liter), and can be used for non-destructive measurements. 

Research topics

(Soil) microbes, plants, insects (invertebrates). 


Not available yet

Running period

The experiment started 20-05-2021 and will end after approximately ten years.

Data management

 In progress.

Available datasets: No data available yet.

Conditions for access

Requests to make use of the facility can be made by contacting Wim van der Putten or Freddy ten Hooven.



Infrastructure type
Ecotron outdoor


Wim H. van der Putten

NIOO Interim Director | Senior Researcher , Terrestrial Ecology


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