Sander Buddendorf

Sander Buddendorf MSc

PhD Candidate
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Visiting Address

Droevendaalsesteeg 10
6708 PB Wageningen

+31 (0) 317 47 34 00

The Netherlands


How are some bat species able to use artificial light at night to their advantage? I aim to shine light on temporal patterns and prey-predator interactions in synanthropic bat species, under an urban gradient.


I am an ecologist interested in how we affect the behaviour of animals around us.
During my PhD project within the BioClock consortium, I will research how artificial light at night affects synanthropic bats in an urban gradient. Experiments to test the effects of light intensity and different spectra are carried out in several large municipalities in the Netherlands. Acoustic data from bats, together with faecal samples and insect presence data will be used to paint a picture how bat-prey interactions and the temporal patterns of city dwelling bat species are affected by light at night. The results can be used to minimise the impact of urbanisation on bats.

Research groups

Projects & collaborations


  • Artificial light

    Project 2016–Present
    Nocturnal illumination leads to a permanent disturbance of natural habitats and there is accumulating evidence for – often negative – impact of artificial light in an increasing number of species.
    experimental setup
  • BioClock

    Project 2021–2027
    Our night sky is heavily light-polluted which has a far-reaching impact on our ecosystem, changing daily and seasonal timing of a multitude of organisms we share our environment with. At the NIOO-KNAW, we team up with ecologists and chronobiologists all across the Netherlands to restore healthy rhythms for ourselves and in our natural environment.