Germán Pérez

Germán Pérez MSc

PhD Candidate
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Visiting Address

Droevendaalsesteeg 10
6708 PB Wageningen

+31 (0) 317 47 34 00

The Netherlands


Methane oxidizing bacteria, the methane biofilters, must be busy in freshwater systems. Half of global methane emissions come from these environments.
I wonder... how these bacteria tackle this!


Life is a spiral… My BSc research project focused on the effect of herbicides on cyanobacteria in rice paddies in Uruguay. Then, I studied cyanobacterial antioxidant response against osmotic and UV-B stresses. During my MSc, I left rice paddies and worked in a coastal lagoon on the Southern Atlantic coast. I sssessed the interaction between heterotrophic bacteria and phytoplankton in the N uptake.
Later, rice paddies again… but this time on how cyanobacterial inoculation may mitigate methane emissions from these systems. Here, I got closer to methane oxidizing bacteria and NIOO-KNAW, where I developed part of this project.
Finally, my PhD that deals with the ecology of methane oxidzing bacteria (MOB) in freshwater systems. I try to understand how some (a)-biotic factors modulate their niche differentiation in this environment.. The aim of one the chapters is the study of the MOB-cyanobacteria interactions in lakes… Indeed, life is a spiral...

Research groups



PhD student- NIOO-KNAW Microbial Ecology Department


MSc Microbiology. PEDECIBA. UdelaR Uruguay


  • 2018
    Ecology Grant KNAW
    Budget: €2,600
    NIOO-KNAW UAM. Poznan, Poland
  • 2021
    Ecology Grant. KNAW
    Budget: €6,500
    NIOO-KNAW UAM. Poznan, Poland


Key publications

  • Freshwater Biology

    Trophic and non-trophic effects of fish and macroinvertebrates on carbon emissions

    Maite Colina,Mariana Meerhoff,Germán Pérez,Annelies J. Veraart,Paul Bodelier,Antoon van der Horst,Sarian Kosten
  • Marine & Freshwater Research

    Resistance to degradation and effect of the herbicide glyphosate on the bacterioplankton community of a large river system domin

    Piccini, Claudia; Fazi, Stefano; Pérez, Germán; Batani, Giampiero; et al.
  • Journal of Freshwater Ecology

    Competition and protist predation are important regulators of riverine bacterial community composition and size distribution

    Giampiero Batani, Germán Pérez, Gabriela Martínez de la Escalera, Claudia Piccini & Stefano Fazi
  • Plant Physiology and Biochemistry

    Osmotic stress alters UV-based oxidative damage tolerance in a heterocyst forming cyanobacterium

    Germán Pérez Soledad Doldán Paola Scavone Omar Borsani Pilar Irisarri

Projects & collaborations


  • Fish bioturbation. Methane cycle-shallow freshwater systems


    Cooperation Radboud University-CURE Maldonado (UdelaR-Uruguay)-NIOO-KNAW

  • Methane oxidizing bacteria-heated lakes


    Cooperation with Dr. Cerbin and his group from the Institute of Hydrobiology in the UAM in Poland. The studied lakes are situated in the Konin Region in Poznan, Poland.

