Droevendaalsesteeg 10
6708 PB Wageningen
The Netherlands
Life is a spiral… My BSc research project focused on the effect of herbicides on cyanobacteria in rice paddies in Uruguay. Then, I studied cyanobacterial antioxidant response against osmotic and UV-B stresses. During my MSc, I left rice paddies and worked in a coastal lagoon on the Southern Atlantic coast. I sssessed the interaction between heterotrophic bacteria and phytoplankton in the N uptake.
Later, rice paddies again… but this time on how cyanobacterial inoculation may mitigate methane emissions from these systems. Here, I got closer to methane oxidizing bacteria and NIOO-KNAW, where I developed part of this project.
Finally, my PhD that deals with the ecology of methane oxidzing bacteria (MOB) in freshwater systems. I try to understand how some (a)-biotic factors modulate their niche differentiation in this environment.. The aim of one the chapters is the study of the MOB-cyanobacteria interactions in lakes… Indeed, life is a spiral...
Cooperation Radboud University-CURE Maldonado (UdelaR-Uruguay)-NIOO-KNAW
Cooperation with Dr. Cerbin and his group from the Institute of Hydrobiology in the UAM in Poland. The studied lakes are situated in the Konin Region in Poznan, Poland.