Passerine behavioural testing facility

The Passerine testing facility offers a unique oportunity to house and measure passerine birds for an array of behavioural tests in a controlled environment.
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Passerine behavioural testing facility
© Perro de Jong /NIOO



The facility

The passerine testing facility offers a unique oportunity to house and measure passerine birds for an array of behavioural tests in a controlled environment. Housing includes cages, aviaries in a variety of possible setups. Testing can be done in the cages, aviaries or specially designed obervation rooms. These rooms are equipped with fixed camera’s in order to digitally analyse video’s using Ethovision (Noldus Information Technology). Cages adjacent to these rooms allow for stress-free testing, since birds can go in and out of the rooms without handling. High-definition screens are available for video playback.

Behavioural tests include a wide range of personality tests (novel object, novel environment, risk taking, sociability). A variety of cognitive performance tests can be performed for which equipment is available. Automated feeders (NatureCounters) are used for association learning (location, food type) and reversal learning. 

Running period (guaranteed funding)

1992 – undetermined 

Equipment / facilities

EthoVision XT © Noldus Information Technology bv. 4 Testing rooms with built-in camera’s.  >300 individual home cages. Various testing devices, e.g. custom made automated feeder arrays (NatureCounters).

Data management 

Data derived from analyses conducted at the passerine behavioural facility is stored in the Animal Ecology Passerine Database. 

Conditions for access

Contact Prof. dr. Kees van Oers 




Kees van Oers

Senior Researcher , Animal Ecology


Droevendaalsesteeg 10
6708 PB Wageningen


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