Knowledge Day: Thermal energy from surface water and its ecological effects


Knowledge Day: Thermal energy from surface water and its ecological effects


The WarmingUP project, STOWA and water managers will present their findings on the ecological effects of thermal energy from surface water during a 'knowledge day' hosted by the Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW) on 10 November. Registration for the event closes on 7 November.

Thermal energy from surface water (TEO by its Dutch acronym) has enjoyed increasing popularity here in the Netherlands, and the number of permit applications has been on the rise But what is the ecological impact on aquatic life?

The foundation for applied water research STOWA, the ministry of Waterways and Public Works, and the Association of Water Boards have been working on an assessment framework to support permit providers.

To tighten up this framework, it is vital that some of the lacunae in our knowledge of the ecological effects of TEO be filled in. A number of studies have been commissioned and carried out with this exact purpose. What do the results of these studies tell us, and how much more work still needs to be done?

Speakers including Ghada Sukkar (Association of Waterboards), Sven Teurlincx (NIOO-KNAW) and Ida de Groot-Wallast (Deltares) will give an overview of the current state of knowledge. In his breakout session, Sven Teurlincx will use ecological modelling of a TEO-installation to discuss possible damage at ecosystem level to zooplankton and fytoplankton.