Jeannette Hagman

Jeannette Hagman

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Visiting Address

Droevendaalsesteeg 10
6708 PB Wageningen

+31 (0) 317 47 34 00

The Netherlands



Never stop wondering


Since may 2022 Jeannette Hagman is Head of Finance at NIOO.

She supports the financial team which contains Financial Administration, Financial Control and Project Control.

Finance is responsible for a lot of financial and operational processes.

Tasks at Finance are very divers and incluse for instance creating purchase orders, processing incoming and outgoing invoices, project support and control, quarterly/annual reports and supporting anyone who has a burning financial or operational question.

Questions can be asked directy to the financial team.

Jeannette can be contacted on her mobile phone: 06 50823457

Besides her job at NIOO, Jeannette is also a member of councel (raadslid) at the municipality of Brummen.

For GroenLinks she manages the Climate and Sustainability portfolios, Space for Eerbeek, Physical Environment and of course Business Operations and Finances.

She is also a member of the financial auditcommittee of the municipality of Brummen