Droevendaalsesteeg 10
6708 PB Wageningen
The Netherlands
I studied Environmental Sciences & Engineering for my bachelor's in China, during which time I explored multiple research areas including hydrology, hydrogeochemistry, and wastewater treatment. I obtained my master's degree in Environmental Sciences at Wageningen University & Research (WUR) where I specialized in aquatic ecology. I did my master's thesis on ecotoxicology in the chair group of Aquatic Ecology and Water Quality Management of WUR. Later I finished my research internship on phytoplankton ecology at NIOO.
After graduation from WUR, I rooted in Wageningen again and started my PhD at NIOO in 2023. In this PhD project, we will develop microfluidic devices and apply this novel technology to study the traits of cyanobacteria under the impacts of climate change. The "microfluidic" part of the project is in close cooperation with the experts of the BIOS lab at the University of Twente (the Netherlands).