11 zoekresultaten
Symposium "Aquatic ecosystems in a dynamic world: research across timescales" (Engelstalig)
This symposium explores how long-term research on aquatic ecosystems can be the key to sustainable future waters. This symposium is associated with the construction of a new Chair in Aquatic Ecosystem Dynamics between the University of Utrecht and Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW) and features invited guests from around the world. -
Symposium "Aquatic ecosystems in a dynamic world: research across timescales"
This symposium explores how long-term research on aquatic ecosystems can be the key to sustainable future waters. This symposium is associated with the construction of a new Chair in Aquatic Ecosystem Dynamics between the University of Utrecht and Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW) and features invited guests from around the world. -
Two new research projects to improve water management
Lakes play a major role in providing ecosystem services. But the ecological status and water quality of these lakes is often still not good enough, and is further threatened by the effects of climate change. Two new projects at the Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW) will look for solutions to this problem. -
Twee onderzoeksprojecten van start om watermanagement te verbeteren
Meren spelen een grote rol in het leveren van ecosysteemdiensten. Maar de ecologische status en waterkwaliteit van deze meren is vaak nog niet goed genoeg, en wordt verder bedreigd door de effecten van klimaatverandering. Twee nieuwe projecten van het Nederlands Instituut voor Ecologie (NIOO-KNAW) gaan op zoek naar een oplossing voor dit probleem. -
Zomer Seminar Aquatische Ecologie: Maiko Kagami - Swimming fungi (Engelstalig)
In her talk titled ‘ Swimming fungi: Diversity, Interactions and Functions in Aquatic Ecosystem’ (Engelstalig), Maiko Kagami will cover a general background on aquatic fungi, their diversity and role in ecosystem functioning. -
Summer Seminar Aquatic Ecology: Maiko Kagami - Swimming fungi
In her talk titled ‘ Swimming fungi: Diversity, Interactions and Functions in Aquatic Ecosystem’, Maiko Kagami will cover a general background on aquatic fungi, their diversity and role in ecosystem functioning. -
Suzanne McGowan appointed Professor of Aquatic Ecosystem Dynamics
Meet the new Special Professor of Aquatic Ecosystem Dynamics: Suzanne McGowan. As of 2024 she is appointed at Utrecht University. Her chair offers a unique combination between the university's faculties of Science and Geosciences. McGowan integrates this with her main affiliation as the Head of Aquatic Ecology at the Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW). As a professor, she aims to uncover how water ecosystems have been functioning, and how the major changes on our planet affect this. -
“Waterecosystemen veranderen razendsnel”
Suzanne McGowan is benoemd tot bijzonder hoogleraar Aquatic Ecosystem Dynamics bij de Universiteit Utrecht. Zij gaat zich richten op de vraag hoe waterecosystemen werken, en hoe die onder invloed staan van de grote veranderingen die onze planeet doormaakt. McGowan blijft daarnaast verbonden aan het Nederlands Instituut voor Ecologie (NIOO-KNAW) als hoofd van de afdeling AquatischeEcologie. Als hoogleraar zal ze bruggen slaan tussen diverse onderzoeksgroepen. -
Het meerbericht: de verwachting voor veilig zwemwater
Het project Meerbericht is officieel gestart. In het project worden bestaande weer-, water- en blauwalgmodellen gecombineerd om blauwalgenoverlast te voorspellen. -
Not all lakes are alike: spatial differences key to successful restoration
Degradation of lakes is a worldwide problem, with symptoms including toxic algae blooms. Restoration is possible, but takes a lot of time and effort. To determine what approach is most effective, spatial differences between lakes must be considered.