12 zoekresultaten
BiodiversityXL Community Event bij het NIOO
The new BiodiversityXL Community Event is coming up! People from NIOZ, Naturalis, Westerdijk Institute, NIOO and broader will gather again on Thursday afternoon 22 June. For a deep dive in all aspects of biodiversity research, and the ecological facilities at NIOO. -
BiodiversityXL Community Event at NIOO
The next BiodiversityXL Community Event is coming up soon and this time it's going to be at NIOO! -
Biodiversity XL Live: The Sound of Biodiversity
Yet another fascinating episode is coming up for the BiodiversityXL Live short livestream series: the Sound of Biodiversity! More and more different approaches and techniques are used, in the hope to gain more knowledge about biodiversity. They help us to look very detailed at individuals, species and ecosystems. But let's not forget about our ears. Sound can tell a lot about the presence of species, but also about their behaviour. Sounds we can hear, like bird songs, but also sounds we can not hear. How do we monitor biodiversity via sound? -
Biodiversity XL Live: The Sound of Biodiversity
Yet another fascinating episode is coming up for the BiodiversityXL Live short livestream series: the Sound of Biodiversity! More and more different approaches and techniques are used, in the hope to gain more knowledge about biodiversity. They help us to look very detailed at individuals, species and ecosystems. But let's not forget about our ears. Sound can tell a lot about the presence of species, but also about their behaviour. Sounds we can hear, like bird songs, but also sounds we can not hear. How do we monitor biodiversity via sound? -
NIOO Thema Biodiversiteit
Het NIOO doet op alle niveaus onderzoek aan de biodiversiteit. Kleine en grote organismen, van genetische diversiteit tot de diversiteit van soorten en zowel op het land als in het water. Met de uitkomsten van ons onderzoek kunnen we de biodiversiteit in Nederland en daarbuiten beter beschermen. -
Working together
There’s a lot that we can learn from nature! Performing and promoting research, together with policy makers, nature managers and businesses - and sharing the new knowledge it produces. That is NIOO's strength. -
NIOO Theme Biodiversity
In order to protect, or restore biodiversity, it is crucial to consider all forms of life within their entire context. The strength of NIOO-based research is that it integrates all of the different levels and scales that make up biodiversity, from genetic diversity to species diversity, from small to large organisms, from trophic interactions to communities and ecosystems, and in a wide range of terrestrial and aquatic habitats. Therefore, NIOO is in the right position to make a substantial and scientifically important contribution to the societal goal of the SDGs. -
Van de natuur valt veel te leren! Onderzoek stimuleren, samen met beleidsmakers, natuurbeheerders en bedrijven onderzoek doen en die nieuwe kennis daarna delen. Dat is de kracht van het NIOO. -
What do we need to know to stop biodiversity decline, at all levels of life ranging from genes, species, communities, habitats to entire ecosystems? -
Waarom en hoe onderzoekt het NIOO biodiversiteit en op welke manier zetten we deze kennis in?