18 zoekresultaten
The value of long-term studies
It can take years to notice the effects of changes in nature. Long-term research is therefore essential. If there are far fewer great tits or winter moths in a year, is that an exception or a new trend due to climate change? The long haul needed to measure this year-on-year is a big challenge. The National Institute for Ecological Research NIOO-KNAW, which celebrates its 70th anniversary this month, does this kind of research. What does it teach us? -
Het belang van de lange termijn
De gevolgen van veranderingen in de natuur komen soms pas na jaren aan het licht. Langetermijnonderzoek is daarom essentieel. Als er in een jaar veel minder koolmezen of wintervlinders zijn, is dat dan een uitzondering of een nieuwe trend door klimaatverandering? De lange adem die nodig is om dat jaar in jaar uit te meten, is een grote uitdaging. Het nationale instituut voor ecologisch onderzoek NIOO-KNAW dat deze maand zijn 70ste verjaardag viert, doet dit soort onderzoek. Wat kunnen we daarvan leren? -
Rewilding-professor Liesbeth Bakker: "Let nature surprise you"
Let nature have its way and it will surprise you, NIOO-researcher Liesbeth Bakker said at her inauguration in Wageningen on 30 September as Europe's first professor of Rewilding Ecology. -
Rewilding-professor Liesbeth Bakker: "Laat je verrassen door de natuur"
Geef de natuur de ruimte om je te verrassen, zei NIOO-onderzoeker Liesbeth Bakker in haar inaugurele rede als eerste buitengewoon hoogleraar Rewilding Ecology van Europa. -
KIMA (Knowledge and Innovation Programme Marker Wadden) final conference
Results of the Knowledge and Innovation Program Marker Wadden (KIMA) will be presented during a three-day conference in Amsterdam that includes a visit to the new man-made archipelago. -
KIMA (Knowledge and Innovation Programme Marker Wadden) final conference
Results of the Knowledge and Innovation Program Marker Wadden (KIMA) will be presented during a three-day conference in Amsterdam that includes a visit to the new man-made archipelago. -
Marker Wadden
The Marker Wadden is a newly constructed archipelago in lake Markermeer, which aims to improve the lake’s degrading food web by stimulating primary productivity. The archipelago consists of five islands that add a currently missing habitat type to the lake: shallow, sheltered waters with high nutrient availability and gradual land-water transitions. -
Nature research and society
NIOO has a vigorous and long-standing commitment to societal impact. Not only is NIOO housed in a sustainable building designed to translate our ecological principles in terms of architecture and construction, we also have a number of units that are tailor-made for disseminating our ecological knowledge to specific target groups, we have a very active outreach policy, and we actively involve citizens in our research through large-scale citizen-science projects. -
Nature in Production: fish ecology at the Marker Wadden (NiPFish)
Natuur in Productie: visecologie op de Marker Wadden (NiPFish) -
Vijf jaar Marker Wadden: toekomst van innovatief natuurherstel
Nu de eerste vijf eilanden van de Marker Wadden zijn ontwikkeld, kunnen wetenschappers de tussenstand opmaken.