11 zoekresultaten
Seasonal timing
Species can adapt over the course of time. As the lives of species are altered by climate change, a different seasonal timing could make them adapt to an early spring, for example. How does this work, and what are the limits to such adaptations? -
Stadsmezen hebben een stabieler ritme
Onderzoekers van het NIOO-KNAW onderzochten de timing van het broedgedrag en de dag-en-nachtritmiek van koolmezen binnen en buiten de stad. Stadsmezen blijken stabieler. -
Our night sky is heavily light-polluted which has a far-reaching impact on our ecosystem, changing daily and seasonal timing of a multitude of organisms we share our environment with. At the NIOO-KNAW, we team up with ecologists and chronobiologists all across the Netherlands to restore healthy rhythms for ourselves and in our natural environment. -
New UN environment report tackles 'mismatches' and other emerging concerns
The latest UN Environment Frontiers Report has been launched in the Kenyan capital Nairobi. -
Nieuw milieurapport VN waarschuwt voor 'mistiming' en andere opkomende problemen
'Noises, Blazes & Mismatches: Emerging issues of environmental concern' is het nieuwe rapport van het United Nations Environment Programme. -
Artificial light
Nocturnal illumination leads to a permanent disturbance of natural habitats and there is accumulating evidence for – often negative – impact of artificial light in an increasing number of species. -
Soorten kunnen zich aanpassen in de tijd. Als klimaatverandering hun leven verandert, dan kan een andere timing zorgen dat ze de vervroegde lente bij kunnen benen bijvoorbeeld. Hoe werkt dit, en wat zijn de grenzen aan zulke aanpassingen? -
National Science Agenda: how do we keep our biological clocks healthy?
27/11/2020 Dutch researchers joining forces in the BioClock consortium - including NIOO's Kamiel Spoelstra - have won 9.7 million euros to keep our biological clocks healthy. -
Nationale Wetenschapsagenda: hoe houden we de biologische klok gezond?
27/11/2020 Kamiel Spoelstra is een van de kernleden van het BioClock-consortium, dat deze week een subsidie van 9,7 miljoen euro ontving. -
Importance of biological clock can only be seen in the wild
The impact of biological clocks on nature and our lives is enormous. Jet lag, mating, bird migration: so much depends on the keeping of time in our bodies and those of other organisms. The latest issue of the world's oldest scientific journal is dedicated entirely to the topic. Featuring researchers from the Netherlands.