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Freshwater systems: a neglected piece of the carbon storage puzzle
Inland waters can help us mitigate climate change by storing carbon in the sediments. However, for a long time, they were ignored as a player in carbon sequestration āthe process of removing CO2 from the atmosphere, transforming it, and storing it underground. Carbon sequestration happens in ecosystems all around the world. Forests and oceans are most well-known for sequestering carbon, but freshwater ecosystems are also good at it. To put this in perspective: inland waters might sequester up to 20% of the amount of carbon sequestered by the oceans, even though they cover <5.6% of the oceansā area. -
Exposition 'Augmented Ecofeminisms: Climate, Water and Women'
This month at NIOO: the art exhibitionĀ 'Augmented Ecofeminisms: Climate, Water, and Women'. This exhibition illustrates how the problems associated with climate change differentially affect women in many parts of the world. -
Expositie 'Augmented Ecofeminisms: Climate, Water and Women'
Deze maand te zien bij het NIOO: de expositie 'Augmented Ecofeminisms: Climate Water and Women'. Hier wordt klimaatverandering bekeken door de ogen van vrouwen die ermee te maken hebben.
NIOO Thema Klimaatverandering
Als we de opwarming van de aarde niet beperken zijn de gevolgen onomkeerbaar. Hoeveel veerkracht heeft de natuur? Hoe goed passen soorten zich aan? En hoe kan de natuur helpen om de klimaatproblemen te verminderen? -
Nature research and society
NIOO has a vigorous and long-standing commitment to societal impact. Not only is NIOO housed in a sustainable building designed to translate our ecological principles in terms of architecture and construction, we also have a number of units that are tailor-made for disseminating our ecological knowledge to specific target groups, we have a very active outreach policy, and we actively involve citizens in our research through large-scale citizen-science projects. -
NIOO Theme Climate change
We are in the midst of a climate crisis. Our climate system is undergoing a dramatic number of changes, many of which can be attributed to anthropogenic influences, including greenhouse gas emission-induced changes to global surface temperatures, precipitation, glacier mass loss, sea levels, salt intrusion, and ocean heat content. -
Natuuronderzoek en maatschappij
Een duurzamere maatschappij is een noodzaak voor ons allemaal. Ecologische kennis is daarvoor onmisbaar. Biologische gewasbescherming en het onderzoek op de Marker Wadden. Of de gevolgen van giftige algen, kunstlicht en microplastics. En hoe kunnen micro-organismen Afrikaanse boeren helpen en wij de natuur herstellen? -
Carbon storage in nature
Carbon storage is a hot item. Almost literally, as it is closely linked to climate warming. NIOO researchers discover more and more about the role of the living soil within our planet's carbon cycle. That role is: very influential, invaluable and essential for a sustainable climate policy. -
Koolstofopslag in de natuur
Koolstofopslag is een hot item. Bijna letterlijk, vanwege de link met de opwarming van het klimaat. NIOO-onderzoekers ontdekken steeds meer over de rol van het bodemleven bij de koolstofkringloop. Die rol is: zeer invloedrijk, onmisbaar en doorslaggevend voor duurzaam beleid.