9 zoekresultaten
Maak kennis met het nieuwe Nationaal Centrum voor Bodemecologie
De ecologie van de bodem is een belangrijk onderzoeksveld. Om dit onderzoeksveld verder te brengen, is er sinds kort een nieuw Nationaal Centrum voor Bodemecologie. Alle in Nederland werkzame bodemecologen kunnen zich nu aansluiten bij dit initiatief, dat oorspronkelijk in Wageningen is gestart. -
The Centre for Soil Ecology goes national
Today, on World Soil Day, it is the perfect moment to present the new National Centre for Soil Ecology. All soil ecologists working in the Netherlands can now connect to the initiative that originally started in Wageningen. -
Kick off meeting National Centre for Soil Ecology
The Centre for Soil Ecology (CSE) was established in 2010 by NIOO-KNAW and WUR to bring together soil ecologists in Wageningen. However, as soil ecology is happening all across the Netherlands, there is need to transform the CSE into a National Centre for Soil Ecology (NCSE) to connect soil ecologists across the Netherlands. -
Kick off meeting National Centre for Soil Ecology
The Centre for Soil Ecology (CSE) was established in 2010 by NIOO-KNAW and WUR to bring together soil ecologists in Wageningen. However, as soil ecology is happening all across the Netherlands, there is need to transform the CSE into a National Centre for Soil Ecology (NCSE) to connect soil ecologists across the Netherlands. -
Getting to know your 'downstairs' neighbours
Between 23 September and 5 October, we're asking you to go on a safari in your own garden, do the survey, and spread the word to as many people as possible. -
Maak kennis met de onderburen
Tijdens de 8e editie van de Bodemdierendagen zoeken weer vele honderden mensen in het hele land als citizen scientist mee. Dit jaar met speciale aandacht voor de bodemdieren in de stad. -
IJkcentrum voor de Bodem geopend
27/05/2021 Nederland is een nieuwe nationale onderzoeks- en demonstratiefaciliteit rijker! -
Gardens can be havens for soil animals in towns and cities
Nearly 1000 'citizen scientists' sent in their observations this year on Soil Animal Days 2019. And a surprisingly high number of people tried to do something in return for the vital services these soil creatures provide for us. -
In 2019 minder mieren, meer miljoenpoten en weer pissebedden
Bijna 1000 waarnemers verspreid over het land ontdekten tijdens de Bodemdierendagen 2019 zo’n 7900 ‘bodemschatjes’.