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28 zoekresultaten
Seasonal timing
Species can adapt over the course of time. As the lives of species are altered by climate change, a different seasonal timing could make them adapt to an early spring, for example. How does this work, and what are the limits to such adaptations? -
Stadsmezen hebben een stabieler ritme
Onderzoekers van het NIOO-KNAW onderzochten de timing van het broedgedrag en de dag-en-nachtritmiek van koolmezen binnen en buiten de stad. Stadsmezen blijken stabieler. -
Micro-organismen helpen planten
Planten leven intiem samen met micro-organismen in de bodem. Het NIOO onderzoekt hun interacties. Dat draagt bij aan duurzamere landbouw en een beter klimaat. -
NIOO Thema Duurzaam gebruik van land en water
Onmisbaar voor het leven op aarde zijn gezonde bodem en gezond oppervlaktewater. Hoe maken we er gebruik van zonder er afbreuk aan te doen? -
NIOO Theme Sustainable use of land and water
Healthy surface water and soils are essential for life on earth. They provide a range of life-supporting functions, including carbon storage, oxygen generation, and nutrient cycling. At NIOO, we combine research on the ecosystem services provided to society with research on how these ecosystem services are impacted by society. -
A few highlights of the NIOO-KNAW building. -
A living, breathing building
As sustainable as possible, in as many respects as possible: that was the imperative when the Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW) commissioned a new building. And we have done it! -
Een aantal highlights van het NIOO-KNAW gebouw. -
Our night sky is heavily light-polluted which has a far-reaching impact on our ecosystem, changing daily and seasonal timing of a multitude of organisms we share our environment with. At the NIOO-KNAW, we team up with ecologists and chronobiologists all across the Netherlands to restore healthy rhythms for ourselves and in our natural environment. -
Microbes for plant health
Microbes can act as bodyguards for plants and can foster plant growth in other ways as well. At NIOO, we are digging into the mechanisms: in what ways do they interact? And how can we stimulate this, to make our agriculture more sustainable? Let's rewild our microbes!