5 search results
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Book presentation on Water farming
On Friday afternoon 29 September, a new book about Water farming will be presented at NIOO. NIOO scientists Ellen Weerman and Ellen van Donk are two of the editors, and you are very welcome to join. The presentation will be in Dutch. -
Soil biodiversity analysis for sustainable production systems (SoilProS)
SoilProS will interpret big data on soil biodiversity, soil chemical and physical characteristics with respect to current and desired soil functions, and how to use this information in order to help farmers predicting which crop varieties, seed mixtures, (organic) fertilizers, soil inocula, and organic substrates enhance the environmental sustainability of their activities. -
PhD thesis defence Azkia Nurfikari: residual streams from insect cultivation for sustainable crop management
Azkia Nurfikari will defend her PhD thesis "Prospects of residual streams from insect cultivation for sustainable crop management".
NIOO Theme Sustainable use of land and water
Healthy surface water and soils are essential for life on earth. They provide a range of life-supporting functions, including carbon storage, oxygen generation, and nutrient cycling. At NIOO, we combine research on the ecosystem services provided to society with research on how these ecosystem services are impacted by society. -
Microbes for plant health
Microbes can act as bodyguards for plants and can foster plant growth in other ways as well. At NIOO, we are digging into the mechanisms: in what ways do they interact? And how can we stimulate this, to make our agriculture more sustainable? Let's rewild our microbes!