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Symposium NWA Living labs for the restoration of rural biodiversity
Under the banner of the National Science Agenda, a broad programme of three living labs and an umbrella project started in 2021. During the symposium at Hotel Zuiderduin (Egmond aan Zee), interim results of the research programme will be presented, two external keynote speakers will share inspiring experiences and there will be time in the workshop sessions to reflect and give input. -
Living Lab B7 — With farmers, citizens, visitors and policy makers
Living Lab B7 wil de biodiversiteit in de Bollenstreek verbeteren. Dit doen we door inzichten over biodiversiteit te delen en ter plekke toe te passen. Co-creatie en kennisontwikkeling in de praktijk, samen met lokale partijen. -
What do we need to know to stop biodiversity decline, at all levels of life ranging from genes, species, communities, habitats to entire ecosystems? -
Learning to recover biodiversity in three 'living labs'
24/07/2020 What actually works when it comes to protecting plants and animals? Researchers are joining forces with businesses and societal organisations in three 'living labs' to find out.