20 search results
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Two new research projects to improve water management
Lakes play a major role in providing ecosystem services. But the ecological status and water quality of these lakes is often still not good enough, and is further threatened by the effects of climate change. Two new projects at the Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW) will look for solutions to this problem. -
NIOO researchers at the Night of Science & Society
Lisette de Senerpont Domis treedt tijdens deze editie van de Avond van Wetenschap & Maatschappij op als tafelwetenschapper rond het thema ecologische waterkwaliteit. Samen met Sven Teurlincx gaat zij met bezoekers in gesprek over dit onderwerp. -
Summer Seminar Aquatic Ecology: Maiko Kagami - Swimming fungi
In her talk titled ‘ Swimming fungi: Diversity, Interactions and Functions in Aquatic Ecosystem’, Maiko Kagami will cover a general background on aquatic fungi, their diversity and role in ecosystem functioning. -
10th edition IVN Dutch Ditch Days
The 10th edition of the IVN Dutch Ditch Days will take place between 10 and 16 June 2024. During these days, IVN guides children in taking a closer look at the aquatic animals and plantlife in Dutch ditches. NIOO uses the observations the children make to study the water quality. -
National Growth Fund finances Dutch Holomicrobiome Institute
The government of the Netherlands has allocated €200 million from the country’s National Growth Fund for a public-private consortium that will conduct research into 'microbiomes' and economically interesting applications thereof. In the consortium, NIOO is partnering with ten Dutch universities, five university-medical centres, four universities of applied sciences, many other knowledge organisations and together with dozens of small and large companies and societal organisations. -
Dealing with bluegreen algae
Worldwide, excessive nutrient loads in lakes and reservoirs have led to the rapid increase of harmful cyanobacteria. Blooms of these algae block the use of surface water for drinking, irrigation and recreation. Climate change is expected to further increase the frequency, duration, and magnitude of cyanobacterial blooms. Aquatic ecologists from NIOO are busy gaining more detailed insights into cyanobacterial blooms across scales, in future climates and in respect to toxicity. -
Impact of nutrients
Nutrient availability in natural ecosystems has increased due to anthropogenic activities like spill-over from agricultural ecosystems. In the Netherlands, this has led to the acidification of natural areas for example. At NIOO, we aim to understand the impact of nutrients on natural systems in more detail, to help to bring back the balance. -
PhD thesis defence Dianneke van Wijk: Towards Smart Nutrient Retention Networks to improve water quality
On Tuesday 20 February 2024 Dianneke van Wijk will defend her PhD thesis, titled "Towards Smart Nutrient Retention Networks to improve water quality: perspectives, theories and tools".
Her promotors are prof. dr. Wolf Mooij (NIOO) and prof. dr. Carolien Kroeze, her co-promotor is dr. Annette Janssen. -
The pandemic and the 'anthropause': European lessons for water managers
The COVID-19 pandemic presented scientists with a unique opportunity to study the effects of an ‘anthropause’: an abrupt reduction of, and/or alteration in, human activities. -
'Green transition' event: the state of our water
Pakhuis de Zwijger organiseert op maandag 19 december een avond over de kwaliteit van ons water, met o.a. NIOO-onderzoeker Rosan Halsema.