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New Board of Management KNAW appointed
The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences announced the appointment of three members of the Board of Management, effective 1 October 2024. The current director of NIOO Geert de Snoo has been appointed Director of Research Policy, Adriana Esmeijer Director of General Affairs, Iwan Holleman Director of Operational Management. The new Board of Management succeeds the Academy’s acting Board. -
Art x Science
Art x Science -
Open Dagen bij het NIOO
Het NIOO houdt regelmatig Open Dagen om te laten zien hoe we onderzoek doen. Op 7 oktober is het weer zover. -
A living, breathing building
As sustainable as possible, in as many respects as possible: that was the imperative when the Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW) commissioned a new building. And we have done it!