Map of Boshoek
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Blue tit
Eurasian nuthatch
Great tit
Pied flycatcher
Max. nr nestboxes
Running period
ID data
Colour rings
Metal rings
Environmental data
Individual data
Morphological measures
Parasites data
Personality data
Genetic data
Blood samples collected
Feather samples collected
Basic breeding
Winter data
Roosting checks
Winter ringing
Feeding at nest data
General Information
Data owner Evolutionary Ecology Group, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Institution Evolutionary Ecology Group, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Conditions of use/Licence NA
Data available via pipeline Yes
Quality check of the original data Raw data are entered in the field through an app which has checks on entries and values. Data are imported into import tables into the SAS database. Brood data are checked manually. Brood and captured data are checked by a multitude of SAS scripts to check for known types of errors and incomplete data, and for conflicts with existing data in the main database. After all checks, data are added to the main database. During analyses and data delivery, data are continuously checked and cross-checked, and inconsistensies are corrected if needed.
Study site
Name Boshoek
Country Belgium
Size (ha) >1000
Major site changes No
Latitude 51° 08' N
Latitude 4° 31' E
Number of nest boxes (min) 155
Number of nest boxes (max) 437
Vegetation Type Deciduous
Description of study site Managed forest with dense mature stands of oak Quercus robur, patch TU composed of beech, larch and some oak. Main set of plots: 12 small patches of managed forest (total surface 49 hectare, plot size from 0.25 to 11.9 ha), very similar to each other, but separated by open space (grassland, fields, residential areas, roads, poplar stands without nestboxes). Local recruitment is high, due to comparatively low dispersal and high capture rates. Areas and nestboxes: see plot descriptions. In main plots number of nestboxes = 421 (4 to 96 per plot); Boxes at ca. 1.5m height in most plots, at 2-3m in KB only. 2/3 of boxes had 32mm opening, 1/3 had 26mm opening from 1994 to 2015; from 2016 all had 32mm openings. In 1994 and 1995 area TU was only partly covered. Apart from the 12 main plots several other plots had nestboxes for variable number of years and periods.
Species Great tit, blue tit, pied flycatcher, Eurasian nuthatch
Start year 1994
End year NA
Continuous collection of data Yes
Gap years NA
Longest data collection 25
Parental ID's recorded Yes
List of basic breeding data collected Lay date, clutch size, brood size, number fledged
Description of the protocols for breeding data collection A breeding attempt is defined as any nest in which at least one egg was laid. Attempts stopped during the nest building phase are not included in the database.
Description of the protocols for taking individual level measurements All capture data, i.e. all occasion in which a bird is handled or its location and status as recorded by electronic devices (e.g., radio-transmitter, pit-tag) are collected.
Experimental manipulations No
Description of experimental manipulations NA
Predation events recorded No
How are second clutches recorded? Broods are given 10 classifications:
  • 0: Female breeding on nest with 0 eggs
  • 1: First brood. The first nest of a known female in a given year
  • 2: Second brood. Second nest of a known female in a given year. Identity of female/parents known AND at least one chick fledged successfully in first clutch.
  • 3: Replacement clutch. Second nest of known female AND no chicks in first nest (nest abandoned before hatching).
  • 4: Replacement clutch. Second nest of known female AND chicks in first nest (nest abandoned after hatching).
  • 5: Replacement clutch. Late nest but no female/parents known from a first nest AND one or more nests (with unknown parents) known to have failed in the vicinity with a timing which could comply with the timing of the start of the current nest.
  • 6: Third brood. Third nest of a known female in a given year. Identity of female/parents known AND at least one chick fledged successfully in first and second clutch.
  • 7: Third brood. Third nest of a known female in a given year. Identity of female/parents known AND at least one chick fledged successfully in first OR second clutch.
  • 8: Second replacement clutch. Third nest of a known female in a given year. Identity of female/parents known AND no chicks fledged successfully in first NOR second clutch.
  • 9: Extra pair/Late first brood. Nest for which no first nest/parents/female is known AND no nest failures with acceptable timing could be indicated in the vicinity (thus, no replacement clutch). First egg date at least 10 days later than last documented genuine first brood (thus, no ordinary first brood).
Catching data
Individual data Yes
Type of individual data Capture method, observer, sex, age (first-second year or older), wing length, tarsus length, weight/time, moulting of alula in first years (new/old), ticks and other parasites, personalitty scores (2006-2017).
Feeding data Yes
Type of feeding data Prey size, prey type, prey number. See Nour et al. 1998. Oecologia 114: 522-530
Other catching data Number of dead nestlings, number of unhatched eggs, laying interruptions
Roosting checks Yes
Winter ringing Yes
Colour rings Yes
Tags Yes (RFID)
Other Family movements using transmitters. Automatic pittag readings at feeder stations at fixed positions in and among study plots. Wing feather damage in parent birds (mites, holes, broken, strawfeather disease).
Genetic data
Blood samples Yes
Feather samples Yes
Other samples NA
Samples analysed Yes
Environmental data
Food availability data No
Temperature data KMI, Belgium
Rainfall data KMI, Belgium
Other environmental data Beech mast data


Blue tit
Eurasian nuthatch
Great tit
Pied flycatcher
Max. nr nestboxes
Running period
ID data
Colour rings
Metal rings
Environmental data
Individual data
Morphological measures
Parasites data
Personality data
Genetic data
Blood samples collected
Feather samples collected
Basic breeding
Winter data
Roosting checks
Winter ringing
Feeding at nest data